Stop the CRS managed resources running from DB homes.
If this is a GI Home environment, as the database home owner execute:
$/bin/srvctl stop home -o -s -n
If this is an Oracle Restart Home environment, as the database home owner execute:
$/bin/srvctl stop home -o -s 岫岩ssl适用于网站、小程序/APP、API接口等需要进行数据传输应用场景,ssl证书未来市场广阔!成为成都创新互联的ssl证书销售渠道,可以享受市场价格4-6折优惠!如果有意向欢迎电话联系或者加微信:18980820575(备注:SSL证书合作)期待与您的合作!
Run the pre root script.
If this is a GI Home, as the root user execute:/crs/install/ -unlock
If this is an Oracle Restart Home, as the root user execute:/crs/install/ -unlock Roll back the CRS patch. As the GI home owner execute:
$/OPatch/opatch rollback -local -id -oh
$/OPatch/opatch rollback -local -id -oh
$/OPatch/opatch rollback -local -id -oh Run the pre script for DB component of the patch. As the database home owner execute:
$/ / /custom/server/ /custom/scripts/ -dbhome Roll back the DB patch from the database home. As the database home owner execute:
$/OPatch/opatch rollback -local -id -oh
$/OPatch/opatch rollback -local -id -oh Run the post script for DB component of the patch. As the database home owner execute:
$/ / /custom/server/ /custom/scripts/ -dbhome Run the post script. As the root user execute:
If this is a GI Home, as the root user execute:/crs/install/ -patch
If this is an Oracle Restart Home, as the root user execute:/crs/install/ -patch If the message, "A system reboot is recommended before using ACFS??? is shown, then a reboot must be issued before continuing. Failure to do so will result in running with an unpatched ACFS\ADVM\OKS driver.
- Start the CRS managed resources that were earlier running from DB homes.
If this is a GI Home environment, as the database home owner execute:
$/bin/srvctl start home -o -s -n
If this is an Oracle Restart Home environment, as the database home owner execute:
$/bin/srvctl start home -o -s
$ srvctl stop home -o $ORACLE_HOME -s /tmp/stophome1.log -n rac2
/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/ -unlock
3.回滚GI HOME下的补丁包,用GI用户执行:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch rollback -local -id 27441052 -oh $ORACLE_HOME
$ $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch rollback -local -id 22502505 -oh $ORACLE_HOME
$ $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch rollback -local -id 27338049 -oh $ORACLE_HOME
$/u01/app/stage/27475913/27441052/custom/server/27441052/custom/scripts/ -dbhome $ORACLE_HOME
5.回滚database home下的补丁包,用oracle用户执行:
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch rollback -local -id 27441052 -oh $ORACLE_HOME
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch rollback -local -id 27338049 -oh $ORACLE_HOME
$/u01/app/stage/27475913/27441052/custom/server/27441052/custom/scripts/ -dbhome $ORACLE_HOME
/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/install/ -patch
$ srvctl start home -o $ORACLE_HOME -s /tmp/stophome1.log -n rac2
SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/catbundle.sql psu apply
SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql
select * from dba_registry_history;