SDK中的示例程序App->Activity->Animation演示了切换Activity时的动画效果。提供了两种动画效果,一种是Fade In渐变,后出现的Activity由浅入深逐渐显示;另一种是Zoom放大效果,后出现的Activity由小及大逐渐显示。
Android 中 Animation 资源可以分为两种:
Tween Animation 对单个图像进行各种变换(缩放,平移,旋转等)来实现动画。
Frame Animation 由一组图像顺序显示显示动画。
Animation 中使用的是Tween Animation,使用的资源为R.anim.fade、R.anim.hold、R.anim.zoom_enter、R.anim.zoom_exit。
其中R.anim.fade、R.anim.zoom_enter分别为Fade In 和 Zoom动画资源。其定义为:
tween animation 资源定义的格式如下:
android:interpolator 为Interpolator资源ID,Interpolator定义了动画的变化速率,动画的各帧的显示可以加速,减速,重复显示。
android:shareInterpolator 如果想为
Animation中的Fade In和Zoom In按钮的事件处理代码:
private OnClickListener mFadeListener = new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { // Request the next activity transition (here starting a new one). startActivity(new Intent(Animation.this, Controls1.class)); // Supply a custom animation. This one will just fade the new // activity on top. Note that we need to also supply an animation // (here just doing nothing for the same amount of time) for the // old activity to prevent it from going away too soon. overridePendingTransition(R.anim.fade, R.anim.hold); } }; private OnClickListener mZoomListener = new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { // Request the next activity transition (here starting a new one). startActivity(new Intent(Animation.this, Controls1.class)); // This is a more complicated animation, involving transformations // on both this (exit) and the new (enter) activity. Note how for // the duration of the animation we force the exiting activity // to be Z-ordered on top (even though it really isn't) to achieve // the effect we want. overridePendingTransition(R.anim.zoom_enter, R.anim.zoom_exit); } };
从代码可以看到Activity Animation到其它Activity Controls1 切换的动画使用overridePendingTransition 来定义,函数overridePendingTransition(int enterAnim, int exitAnim) 必须定义在StartActivity(Intent) 或是 Activity.finish()之后来定义两个Activity切换时的动画,enterAnim 为新Activity出现时动画效果,exitAnim则定义了当前Activity退出时动画效果。