优化3要点:网卡多队列+irq affinity亲缘性设置+关闭irqbalance
centos7的脚本路径在 /usr/sbin/ecs_mq_rps_rfs 具体内容如下:
#!/bin/bash # This is the default setting of networking multiqueue and irq affinity # 1. enable multiqueue if available # 2. irq affinity optimization # 3. stop irqbalance service # set and check multiqueue function set_check_multiqueue() { eth=$1 log_file=$2 queue_num=$(ethtool -l $eth | grep -ia5 'pre-set' | grep -i combined | awk {'print $2'}) if [ $queue_num -gt 1 ]; then # set multiqueue ethtool -L $eth combined $queue_num # check multiqueue setting cur_q_num=$(ethtool -l $eth | grep -iA5 current | grep -i combined | awk {'print $2'}) if [ "X$queue_num" != "X$cur_q_num" ]; then echo "Failed to set $eth queue size to $queue_num" >> $log_file echo "after setting, pre-set queue num: $queue_num , current: $cur_q_num" >> $log_file return 1 else echo "OK. set $eth queue size to $queue_num" >> $log_file fi else echo "only support $queue_num queue; no need to enable multiqueue on $eth" >> $log_file fi } #set irq affinity function set_irq_smpaffinity() { log_file=$1 node_dir=/sys/devices/system/node for i in $(ls -d $node_dir/node*); do i=${i/*node/} done echo "max node :$i" >> $log_file node_cpumax=$(cat /sys/devices/system/node/node${i}/cpulist |awk -F- '{print $NF}') irqs=($(cat /proc/interrupts |grep virtio |grep put | awk -F: '{print $1}')) core=0 for irq in ${irqs[@]};do VEC=$core if [ $VEC -ge 32 ];then let "IDX = $VEC / 32" MASK_FILL="" MASK_ZERO="00000000" for ((i=1; i<=$IDX;i++)) do MASK_FILL="${MASK_FILL},${MASK_ZERO}" done let "VEC -= 32 * $IDX" MASK_TMP=$((1<<$VEC)) MASK=$(printf "%X%s" $MASK_TMP $MASK_FILL) else MASK_TMP=$((1<<$VEC)) MASK=$(printf "%X" $MASK_TMP) fi echo $MASK > /proc/irq/$irq/smp_affinity echo "mask:$MASK, irq:$irq" >> $log_file core=$(((core+1)%(node_cpumax+1))) done } # stop irqbalance service function stop_irqblance() { log_file=$1 ret=0 if [ "X" != "X$(ps -ef | grep irqbalance | grep -v grep)" ]; then if which systemctl;then systemctl stop irqbalance else service irqbalance stop fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to stop irqbalance" >> $log_file ret=1 fi else echo "OK. irqbalance stoped." >> $log_file fi return $ret } # main logic function main() { ecs_network_log=/var/log/ecs_network_optimization.log ret_value=0 echo "running $0" > $ecs_network_log echo "======== ECS network setting starts $(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ========" >> $ecs_network_log # we assume your NIC interface(s) is/are like eth* eth_dirs=$(ls -d /sys/class/net/eth*) if [ "X$eth_dirs" = "X" ]; then echo "ERROR! can not find any ethX in /sys/class/net/ dir." >> $ecs_network_log ret_value=1 fi for i in $eth_dirs do cur_eth=$(basename $i) echo "optimize network performance: current device $cur_eth" >> $ecs_network_log # only optimize virtio_net device driver=$(basename $(readlink $i/device/driver)) if ! echo $driver | grep -q virtio; then echo "ignore device $cur_eth with driver $driver" >> $ecs_network_log continue fi echo "set and check multiqueue on $cur_eth" >> $ecs_network_log set_check_multiqueue $cur_eth $ecs_network_log if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to set multiqueue on $cur_eth" >> $ecs_network_log ret_value=1 fi done stop_irqblance $ecs_network_log set_irq_smpaffinity $ecs_network_log echo "======== ECS network setting END $(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ========" >> $ecs_network_log return $ret_value } # program starts here main exit $?
#!/bin/bash # 获取当前rps情况 for i in $(ls /sys/class/net/eth0/queues/rx-*/rps_cpus); do echo $i cat $i done
参考文档: 【推荐阅读】 【推荐阅读】