网络流量分析利器-可视化网络-netflow【2】-Cisco NetFlow 工作原理介绍及配置
fprobe参数 -e
fprobe参数 -n -k
Version 5 :
Version 9 :
Version 5
Version 5 Header Format
Bytes | Contents | Description |
0-1 | version | NetFlow export format version number |
2-3 | count | Number of flows exported in this packet (1-30) |
4-7 | SysUptime | Current time in milliseconds since the export device booted |
8-11 | unix_secs | Current count of seconds since 0000 UTC 1970 |
12-15 | unix_nsecs | Residual nanoseconds since 0000 UTC 1970 |
16-19 | flow_sequence | Sequence counter of total flows seen |
20 | engine_type | Type of flow-switching engine |
21 | engine_id | Slot number of the flow-switching engine |
22-23 | sampling_interval | First two bits hold the sampling mode; remaining 14 bits hold value of sampling interval |
Version 5 Flow Record Format
Bytes | Contents | Description |
0-3 | srcaddr | Source IP address |
4-7 | dstaddr | Destination IP address |
8-11 | nexthop | IP address of next hop router |
12-13 | input | SNMP index of input interface |
14-15 | output | SNMP index of output interface |
16-19 | dPkts | Packets in the flow |
20-23 | dOctets | Total number of Layer 3 bytes in the packets of the flow |
24-27 | First | SysUptime at start of flow |
28-31 | Last | SysUptime at the time the last packet of the flow was received |
32-33 | srcport | TCP/UDP source port number or equivalent |
34-35 | dstport | TCP/UDP destination port number or equivalent |
36 | pad1 | Unused (zero) bytes |
37 | tcp_flags | Cumulative OR of TCP flags |
38 | prot | IP protocol type (for example, TCP = 6; UDP = 17) |
39 | tos | IP type of service (ToS) |
40-41 | src_as | Autonomous system number of the source, either origin or peer |
42-43 | dst_as | Autonomous system number of the destination, either origin or peer |
44 | src_mask | Source address prefix mask bits |
45 | dst_mask | Destination address prefix mask bits |
46-47 | pad2 | Unused (zero) bytes |
Version 9
Version 9 Header Format
Field Name | Value |
Version | The version of NetFlow records exported in this packet; for Version 9, this value is 0x0009 |
Count | Number of FlowSet records (both template and data) contained within this packet |
System Uptime | Time in milliseconds since this device was first booted |
UNIX Seconds | Seconds since 0000 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) 1970 |
Sequence Number | Incremental sequence counter of all export packets sent by this export device; this value is cumulative, and it can be used to identify whether any export packets have been missedNote: This is a change from the NetFlow Version 5 and Version 8 headers, where this number represented "total flows." |
Source ID | The Source ID field is a 32-bit value that is used to guarantee uniqueness for all flows exported from a particular device. (The Source ID field is the equivalent of the engine type and engine ID fields found in the NetFlow Version 5 and Version 8 headers). The format of this field is vendor specific. In the Cisco implementation, the first two bytes are reserved for future expansion, and will always be zero. Byte 3 provides uniqueness with respect to the routing engine on the exporting device. Byte 4 provides uniqueness with respect to the particular line card or Versatile Interface Processor on the exporting device. Collector devices should use the combination of the source IP address plus the Source ID field to associate an incoming NetFlow export packet with a unique instance of NetFlow on a particular device. |
Version 9 Template FlowSet Field Descriptions
Field Name | Value |
FlowSet ID | The FlowSet ID is used to distinguish template records from data records. A template record always has a FlowSet ID in the range of 0-255. Currently, the template record that describes flow fields has a FlowSet ID of zero and the template record that describes option fields (described below) has a FlowSet ID of 1. A data record always has a nonzero FlowSet ID greater than 255. |
Length | Length refers to the total length of this FlowSet. Because an individual template FlowSet may contain multiple template IDs (as illustrated above), the length value should be used to determine the position of the next FlowSet record, which could be either a template or a data FlowSet.Length is expressed in Type/Length/Value (TLV) format, meaning that the value includes the bytes used for the FlowSet ID and the length bytes themselves, as well as the combined lengths of all template records included in this FlowSet. |
Template ID | As a router generates different template FlowSets to match the type of NetFlow data it will be exporting, each template is given a unique ID. This uniqueness is local to the router that generated the template ID.Templates that define data record formats begin numbering at 256 since 0-255 are reserved for FlowSet IDs. |
Field Count | This field gives the number of fields in this template record. Because a template FlowSet may contain multiple template records, this field allows the parser to determine the end of the current template record and the start of the next. |
Field Type | This numeric value represents the type of the field. The possible values of the field type are vendor specific. Cisco supplied values are consistent across all platforms that support NetFlow Version 9.At the time of the initial release of the NetFlow Version 9 code (and after any subsequent changes that could add new field-type definitions), Cisco provides a file that defines the known field types and their lengths.The currently defined field types are detailed in Table 6. |
Field Length | This number gives the length of the above-defined field, in bytes. |