
# timeperiods.cfg
# 这个文件主要是定义针对不同的联系人采取不同的告警策略
# 你不可能把发送给BOSS的告警放到24小时组里面吧
# 和联系人的级别控制更多的应该是配合 通知扩展 Notification Escalations来使用。
# This defines a timeperiod where all times are valid for checks,
# notifications, etc.  The classic "24x7" support nightmare. :-)


define timeperiod{
        timeperiod_name 24x7
        alias           24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week
        sunday          00:00-24:00
        monday          00:00-24:00
        tuesday         00:00-24:00
        wednesday       00:00-08:05,10:30-24:00
        thursday        00:00-24:00
        friday          00:00-24:00
        saturday        00:00-24:00

# Here is a slightly friendlier period during work hours
define timeperiod{
        timeperiod_name workhours
        alias           Standard Work Hours
        monday          09:00-17:00
        tuesday         09:00-17:00
        wednesday       09:00-17:00
        thursday        09:00-17:00
        friday          09:00-17:00

# The complement of workhours
define timeperiod{
        timeperiod_name nonworkhours
        alias           Non-Work Hours
        sunday          00:00-24:00
        monday          00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00
        tuesday         00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00
        wednesday       00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00
        thursday        00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00
        friday          00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00
        saturday        00:00-24:00

# This one is a favorite: never :)
define timeperiod{
        timeperiod_name never
        alias           Never

# end of file
