drop table temp_djbh
create table temp_djbh as
select djbh,djbh_sj shdh,djbh_sj ysdh,djbh_sj cgddh from in_upload_m where 1=2;
--3、将生成的数据插入表 中
v_shdh varchar2(20) :='JHGYMA00027196';--收货最大单据编号
v_ysdh varchar2(20) :='JYDYMA00026766';--验收最大单据编号
for r_c in (select djbh,djbh_sj cgddh from in_upload_m where djbh_sj like 'JHF%' and dwid <>'QCRK') loop
v_shdh := substr(v_shdh||'0000000000',1,9)||(substr(v_shdh,7,8) +1);
v_ysdh := substr(v_ysdh||'0000000000',1,9)||(substr(v_ysdh,7,8) +1);
insert into temp_djbh (djbh,shdh,ysdh,cgddh) values(r_c.djbh,v_shdh,v_ysdh,r_c.cgddh);
end loop;
select * from temp_djbh order by djbh
v_shdh varchar2(20) :='XSSYMA00019474';--收货最大单据编号
v_ysdh varchar2(20) :='FHBYMA00019481';--验收最大单据编号
for r_c in (select djbh,djbh_sj cgddh from in_upload_m where djbh_sj like 'XST%' and dwid
<>'QCRK') loop
v_shdh := substr(v_shdh||'0000000000',1,9)||(substr(v_shdh,7,8) +1);
v_ysdh := substr(v_ysdh||'0000000000',1,9)||(substr(v_ysdh,7,8) +1);
insert into temp_djbh (djbh,shdh,ysdh,cgddh) values(r_c.djbh,v_shdh,v_ysdh,r_c.cgddh);
end loop;
v_shdh varchar2(20) :='JYTYMA00004497';--收货最大单据编号
for r_c in (select djbh from inf_gjtc_hz where djbh like 'JHT%') loop
v_shdh := substr(v_shdh||'0000000000',1,9)||(substr(v_shdh,7,8) +1);
insert into temp_djbh (djbh,shdh,ysdh,cgddh) values(r_c.djbh,v_shdh,'','');
end loop;
select * from spkfk where spbh in ('J000531','J000532','J000533','J000626','J000535','J000673')
update spkfk set spid=replace(spid,'SPA','SPH') where spbh in ('J000531','J000532','J000533','J000626','J000535','J000673')
select * from openquery ( ORACLE , 'SELECT * FROM temp_djbh')
select * from fr_tmp_wms_djdygx
truncate table fr_tmp_jh_djmx
insert into fr_tmp_jh_djmx (djbh,dj_sn,dj_sort,spid,xgdjbh,recnum,duiydjbh,duiydj_cn,shl,hshj,hsje,wkfs,ddwd,qywd,ddsj,jsshl,qysj)
select a.shdh as djbh,a.dj_sort as dj_sn,a.dj_sort,a.spid,a.djbh_sj as xgdjbh,a.dj_sort_sj as recnum,a.djbh_rk as duiydjbh,a.dj_sort as duiydj_cn, as shl,b.hshj,b.hsje,isnull(a.wkfs,'') wkfs,a.dhwd as ddwd,'' as qywd,case when a.sf_lc=1 then CONVERT(varchar(20), a.dhsj, 24) else '' end as ddsj,0 as jsshl,case when sf_lc=1 then CONVERT(varchar(20), a.qysj, 24) else '' end qysj
from openquery ( ORACLE , 'SELECT * FROM v_rk_lcys') a,jxddmx b
where a.shdh like 'JHG%' and a.djbh_sj=b.djbh and a.dj_sort_sj=b.dj_sn and a.spid=b.spid order by a.shdh
update b set from openquery ( ORACLE , 'SELECT * FROM v_rk_lcys_js') a,fr_tmp_jh_djmx b
where a.shdh like 'JHG%' and a.shdh=b.djbh and a.dj_sort=b.dj_sn and a.spid=b.spid
delete jh_djmx where djbh>'JHGYMA00027196' and djbh like 'JHG%'
insert into jh_djmx
select * from fr_tmp_jh_djmx order by djbh
--insert into fr_tmp_jh_djmx
-- select f.shdh as djbh,d.dj_sort as dj_sn,d.dj_sort,d.spid,d.cgddh as xgdjbh,d.cgdd_sort as recnum,d.djbh as duiydjbh,d.dj_sort as duiydj_cn,b.dw,'' pihao,
-- '' as baozhiqi,'' as sxrq,b.jlgg,'' as hw,d.jiansh as baozhshl,d.lingsshl as lingsshl,d.shl,,a.hshj,100 as koul,round(d.shl*,2) as je,a.shlv,round(d.shl*a.hshj,2) -round(d.shl*,2) as she,
-- round(d.shl*a.hshj,2) as hsje,0 as lshj,0 as lshje,0 as chbdj,'' as miejph,'' as beihy,0 as ydj,0 as ndj,0 as yixsl,0 as weixsl,0 as picishl,'' as songhr,'否' as zengp,'' as pici,'' as fapiaoh,0 as bukccb,0 as yhshj,
-- 0 as nhshj,0 as jiansh,0 as buckcb,'' as beizhu,100 as koulv,100 as koulv1,100 as koulv2,100 as koulv3,0 as dj2,0 as je2,'' as thyy,100 as koulv4,'' as jwh,'' as yssx,'' as wkfs,'' as ddwd,'' as qywd,'' as ddsj,0 as jsshl,0 as pckhdj,
-- '' as xsbmxz,'' as qyrq,'' as qysj,0 as pcxsxj,'是' as is_zx,0 as yiwchsl,0 as quxsl
-- from jxddmx a (nolock) join jxddhz e on a.djbh=e.djbh
-- join spkfk b (nolock) on a.spid = b.spid
-- join int_wms_cgrk_bill_his d (nolock) on a.dj_sn=d.cgdd_sort and a.djbh=d.cgddh
-- left join huoweizl c (nolock) on d.yspd = c.huowlb
-- left join fr_tmp_wms_djdygx f on left(shdh,3)='jhg' and f.djbh=d.djbh
-- where a.djbh like 'jhf%' and d.yspd<>'5'
-- order by f.shdh
-- --冷藏明细
--update b set b.ddwd=a.dhwd,b.wkfs=a.wkfs,b.ddsj=CONVERT(varchar(20), dhsj, 24),b.qysj=CONVERT(varchar(20), a.qysj, 24) from openquery ( ORACLE , 'SELECT * FROM v_rk_lcys') a left join fr_tmp_jh_djmx b on a.djbh_sj=b.xgdjbh and a.spid=b.spid and b.recnum=a.dj_sort_sj
--where a.sf_lc=1 and a.djbh_sj like 'jhF%'
truncate table fr_tmp_jh_djhz
insert into fr_tmp_jh_djhz (djbh,djbs,djlx,bendian,rq,dwbh,kaiprq,ontime,yuansph,username,zhy)
select distinct a.shdh as djbh,'JHG' as djbs,'112' as djlx,'YMA' as bendian,CONVERT(varchar(20),a.savedate, 23) rq,a.dwid as dwbh,CONVERT(varchar(20),a.savedate, 23) kaiprq,CONVERT(varchar(20),a.savedate, 24) ontime,a.djbh_sj as yuansph,a.ry_shy as username,'进货票单' as zhy
from openquery ( ORACLE , 'SELECT * FROM v_rk_lcys') a
where a.shdh like 'JHG%' order by a.shdh
--insert into fr_tmp_jh_djhz
--select distinct d.djbh as djbh,'JHG' as djbs,'112' as djlx,'YMA' as bendian,'' as rq,c.dwbh,a.bezzs,'' as kaiprq,'' ontime,'' as pihao,,a.ywy,a.username,'' as leth,c.djbh as yuansph,'' as zph,'' as kpman,'否' as is_yckp,'否' yishj,'进货票单' as zhy,'' as ywbmid,'' as ywyid,'' beizhu,a.fukfs,'' fukqx,a.ydhrq,'' as jingd,a.cyfs,a.cydw,a.is_wtys,'' yssx,'' as wkfs,'' qysj,'' is_jus,'否' shenhe,'' shenhr,
--'' as shenhyj,'' shenhrq,'' as shenhe_cw,'' as shenher_cw,'' as shenheyj_cw,'' as shenherq_cw,'' fhdz,a.ywlxr,a.xszxshx,a.bmgs,a.rktype,'是' is_zx
--from jxddhz a,mchk b,int_wms_cgrk_bill_his c,(select distinct djbh,duiydjbh from fr_tmp_jh_djmx) d
--where a.dwbh=b.dwbh and a.djbh=c.cgddh and c.djbh=d.duiydjbh
--order by d.djbh
delete jh_djhz where djbh>'JHGYMA00027196' and djbh like 'JHG%'
insert into jh_djhz
select * from fr_tmp_jh_djhz order by djbh
--update b set b.rq=CONVERT(varchar(20), a.savedate, 23),b.ontime=CONVERT(varchar(20), a.savedate, 24),b.username=a.ry_shy from openquery ( ORACLE , 'SELECT * FROM v_rk_lcys') a left join fr_tmp_jh_djhz b on a.djbh_rk=b.yuansph
--where a.sf_lc=1 and a.djbh_sj like 'jhF%'
--update b set b.rq=CONVERT(varchar(20), a.savedate, 23),b.ontime=CONVERT(varchar(20), a.savedate, 24),b.username=a.ry_shy from openquery ( ORACLE , 'SELECT * FROM v_rk_lcys') a left join fr_tmp_jh_djhz b on a.djbh_rk=b.yuansph
--where a.djbh_sj like 'jhF%'
truncate table fr_tmp_jzorder_mx_ysd
insert into fr_tmp_jzorder_mx_ysd (djbh,dj_sn,dj_sort,spid,pihao,baozhiqi,sxrq,shl,xgdjbh,recnum,thyy)
select a.fudj as djbh,a.dj_sort as dj_sn,a.dj_sort,a.spid, as pihao,CONVERT(varchar(20), a.rq_sc, 23) as baozhiqi,CONVERT(varchar(20), a.yxqz, 23) as sxrq, as shl,a.djbh as xgdjbh,a.dj_sort_erp as recnum,a.thyy
from openquery ( ORACLE , 'SELECT * FROM v_ck_gjtc') a
where a.fudj like 'JYT%' order by a.fudj
delete jzorder_mx_ysd where djbh>'JYTYMA00004497' and djbh like 'JYT%'
insert into jzorder_mx_ysd
select * from fr_tmp_jzorder_mx_ysd where djbh like 'JYT%' order by djbh
truncate table fr_tmp_jzorder_hz_ysd
insert into fr_tmp_jzorder_hz_ysd ( djbh,djbs,djlx,bendian,rq,dwbh,yanshr,username,kaiprq,ontime,kpman,zhy,kaipiaodjbh )
select distinct a.fudj as djbh,'JYT' as djbs,'131' as djlx,'YMA' as bendian,CONVERT(varchar(20), a.rq, 23) as rq,a.dwid as dwbh,a.ry_fuhy as yanshr,a.ry_fuhy as username,CONVERT(varchar(20), a.rq, 23) as kaiprq,CONVERT(varchar(20), a.rq, 24) as ontime,a.ry_fuhy as kpman,'进货退出GSP复核' as zhy,a.djbh as kaipiaodjbh
from openquery ( ORACLE , 'SELECT * FROM v_ck_gjtc') a
where a.fudj like 'JYT%' order by a.fudj
delete jzorder_hz_ysd where djbh>'JYTYMA00004497' and djbh like 'JYT%'
insert into jzorder_hz_ysd
select * from fr_tmp_jzorder_hz_ysd where djbh like 'JYT%' order by djbh
truncate table fr_tmp_jzorder_mx_ysd
insert into fr_tmp_jzorder_mx_ysd (djbh,dj_sn,dj_sort,spid,pihao,baozhiqi,sxrq,shl,xgdjbh,recnum,dwbh)
select a.ysdh as djbh,a.dj_sort as dj_sn,a.dj_sort,a.spid, pihao,CONVERT(varchar(20),a.rq_sc, 23) baozhiqi,CONVERT(varchar(20), yxqz, 23) sxrq, as shl,a.djbh_sj as xgdjbh,dj_sort_sj recnum,a.dwid as dwbh
from openquery ( ORACLE , 'SELECT * FROM v_rk_lcys') a
where a.ysdh like 'JYD%' order by a.ysdh
delete jzorder_mx_ysd where djbh>'JYDYMA00026766' and djbh like 'JYD%'
insert into jzorder_mx_ysd
select * from fr_tmp_jzorder_mx_ysd where djbh like 'JYD%' order by djbh
truncate table fr_tmp_jzorder_hz_ysd
insert into fr_tmp_jzorder_hz_ysd ( djbh,djbs,djlx,bendian,rq,dwbh,yanshr,username,kaiprq,ontime,kpman,zhy,kaipiaodjbh )
select distinct a.ysdh as djbh,'JYD' as djbs,'130' as djlx,'YMA' as bendian,CONVERT(varchar(20), a.ysrq, 23) as rq,a.dwid as dwbh,a.ry_zjy as yanshr,a.ry_zjy as username,CONVERT(varchar(20), a.ysrq, 23) as kaiprq,CONVERT(varchar(20), a.ysrq, 24) as ontime,a.ry_zjy as kpman,'进货入库GSP验收' as zhy,a.djbh_rk as kaipiaodjbh
from openquery ( ORACLE , 'SELECT * FROM v_rk_lcys') a
where a.ysdh like 'JYD%' order by a.ysdh
delete jzorder_hz_ysd where djbh>'JYDYMA00026766' and djbh like 'JYD%'
insert into jzorder_hz_ysd
select * from fr_tmp_jzorder_hz_ysd where djbh like 'JYD%' order by djbh
select top 10 * from jzorder_mx_fhd where djbh like 'FHB%' order by djbh desc
truncate table fr_tmp_jzorder_mx_fhd
insert into fr_tmp_jzorder_mx_fhd (djbh,dj_sn,dj_sort,spid,pihao,baozhiqi,sxrq,hw,shl,xgdjbh,duiydjbh,duiydj_cn,thyy)
select a.ysdh as djbh,a.dj_sort as dj_sn,a.dj_sort,a.spid, as pihao,CONVERT(varchar(20),a.rq_sc, 23) baozhiqi,CONVERT(varchar(20), yxqz, 23) sxrq,b.hw, as shl,a.shdh as xgdjbh,a.djbh_sj as duiydjbh,a.dj_sort_sj as duiydj_cn,b.thyy
from openquery ( ORACLE , 'SELECT * FROM v_rk_lcys') a,pf_djmx b
where a.ysdh like 'FHB%' and a.djbh_sj=b.djbh and a.dj_sort_sj=b.dj_sn and a.spid=b.spid order by a.ysdh
delete jzorder_mx_fhd where djbh>'FHBYMA00019481' and djbh like 'FHB%'
insert into jzorder_mx_fhd (djbh,dj_sn,dj_sort,spid,pihao,baozhiqi,sxrq,hw,shl,xgdjbh,duiydjbh,duiydj_cn,thyy)
select a.ysdh as djbh,a.dj_sort as dj_sn,a.dj_sort,a.spid, as pihao,CONVERT(varchar(20),a.rq_sc, 23) baozhiqi,CONVERT(varchar(20), yxqz, 23) sxrq,b.hw, as shl,a.shdh as xgdjbh,a.djbh_sj as duiydjbh,a.dj_sort_sj as duiydj_cn,b.thyy
from openquery ( ORACLE , 'SELECT * FROM v_rk_lcys') a,pf_djmx b
where a.ysdh like 'FHB%' and a.djbh_sj=b.djbh and a.dj_sort_sj=b.dj_sn and a.spid=b.spid order by a.ysdh
--select * from fr_tmp_jzorder_mx_fhd
truncate table fr_tmp_jzorder_hz_fhd
insert into fr_tmp_jzorder_hz_fhd (djbh,djbs,djlx,bendian,rq,dwbh,yanshr,username,kaiprq,ontime,kpman,kaipiaodjbh)
select distinct a.ysdh as djbh,'FHB' as djbs,'233' as djlx,'YMA' as bendian,CONVERT(varchar(20),a.ysrq, 23) rq,a.dwid as dwbh,a.ry_zjy as yanshr,a.ry_zjy as username,CONVERT(varchar(20),a.ysrq, 23) kaiprq,CONVERT(varchar(20),a.ysrq, 24) ontime,a.ry_zjy as kpman,a.djbh_sj as duiydjbh
from openquery ( ORACLE , 'SELECT * FROM v_rk_lcys') a
where a.ysdh like 'FHB%' order by a.ysdh
delete jzorder_hz_fhd where djbh>'FHBYMA00019481' and djbh like 'FHB%'
insert into jzorder_hz_fhd
select * from fr_tmp_jzorder_hz_fhd
truncate table fr_tmp_pf_djmx
insert into fr_tmp_pf_djmx (djbh,dj_sn,spid,dj_sort,xgdjbh,recnum,duiydjbh,duiydj_cn,pihao,baozhiqi,hw,shl,hshj,hsje,sxrq,thyy,dwbh)
select a.shdh as djbh,a.dj_sort as dj_sn,a.spid,a.dj_sort,a.djbh_sj as xgdjbh,a.dj_sort_sj as recnum,a.djbh_rk as duiydjbh,a.dj_sort as duiydj_cn, as pihao,CONVERT(varchar(20),a.rq_sc, 23) baozhiqi,b.hw, as shl,b.hshj,b.hsje,CONVERT(varchar(20), yxqz, 23) sxrq,b.thyy,a.dwid as dwbh
from openquery ( ORACLE , 'SELECT * FROM v_rk_lcys') a,pf_djmx b
where a.shdh like 'XSS%' and a.djbh_sj=b.djbh and a.dj_sort_sj=b.dj_sn and a.spid=b.spid order by a.shdh
delete pf_djmx where djbh>'XSSYMA00019474' and djbh like 'XSS%'
insert into pf_djmx
select * from fr_tmp_pf_djmx
truncate table fr_tmp_pf_djhz
insert into fr_tmp_pf_djhz (djbh,djbs,djlx,bendian,rq,dwbh,kaiprq,ontime,yuansph,username,zhy)
select distinct a.shdh as djbh,'XSS' as djbs,'232' as djlx,'YMA' as bendian,CONVERT(varchar(20),a.savedate, 23) rq,a.dwid as dwbh,CONVERT(varchar(20),a.savedate, 23) kaiprq,CONVERT(varchar(20),a.savedate, 24) ontime,a.djbh_sj as yuansph,a.ry_shy as username,'销售退回收货单' as zhy
from openquery ( ORACLE , 'SELECT * FROM v_rk_lcys') a
where a.shdh like 'XSS%' order by a.shdh
delete pf_djhz where djbh>'XSSYMA00019474' and djbh like 'XSS%'
insert into pf_djhz
select * from fr_tmp_pf_djhz
update spkfk set spid=replace(spid,'SPH','SPA') where spbh in ('J000531','J000532','J000533','J000626','J000535','J000673')