Libxml2 是一个xml c语言版的解析器,本来是为Gnome项目开发的工具,是一个基于MIT License的免费开源软件。它除了支持c语言版以外,还支持c++、PHP、Pascal、Ruby、Tcl等语言的绑定,能在Windows、Linux、Solaris、MacOsX等平台上运行。功能还是相当强大的,相信满足一般用户需求没有任何问题。
xmlChar *name = xmlNodeGetContent(CurNode); strcpy(data.name, name); xmlFree(name);
- xmlDoc、 xmlDocPtr //文档对象结构体及指针
- xmlNode、 xmlNodePtr //节点对象结构体及节点指针
- xmlAttr、 xmlAttrPtr //节点属性的结构体及其指针
- xmlNs、 xmlNsPtr //节点命名空间的结构及指针
- BAD_CAST //一个宏定义,事实上它即是xmlChar*类型
1.libxml2基本上算是xml的C/C++标准读写库. 在linux,macOS里是默认支持. 可惜在Windows上有自己专有的msxml, 所以并不支持libxml2, 恶心的是msxml还不是标配, 还要必须另外下载安装, 所以作为Windows上优先选择的XML库, 就是可跨平台的libxml2.
2.xml的sax读取库expat也是比较优秀的选择, 可惜不支持写.
3.一般的写库方式是生成一整个DOM结构, 之后把这个DOM结构输出到XML格式的文本里, 可调用自带写函数或标准io函数. 这样的缺点是如果生成这个DOM结构过于大, 会导致在生成这个DOM结构时内存暴涨,之后再输出到内存里,这时候内存又暴涨一次,最后从内存输出到文件里.
1.DOM结构存储非常浪费内存, 如果数据量大时, 但是元素的父子关系, 文本值,属性值等等很浪费内存. 如果我们可以按照每个元素来输出的话,最好输出完就释放元素内存, 那么能最大限度的利用内存资源.
2.局部输出元素可以最大限度使用系统的资源, 比如IO输出需要权限限制的函数, 或者输出到界面等
以下例子是windows上使用libxml2, 用mingw编译出的libxml2, 使用_wfopen来打开unicode编码的文件路径.
#include "stdafx.h" #include#include #include #include #include void TestStandardIOForXml() { xmlDocPtr doc = NULL; /* document pointer */ xmlNodePtr one_node = NULL, node = NULL, node1 = NULL;/* node pointers */ char buff[256]; int i, j; doc = xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST "1.0"); std::shared_ptr sp_doc(doc,[](void* doc1){ xmlDocPtr doc = (xmlDocPtr)doc1; xmlFreeDoc(doc); }); FILE* file = _wfopen(L"test.xml",L"wb"); if(!file) return; std::shared_ptr sp_file(file,[](FILE* file){ fclose(file); }); // 写XML的声明 xmlChar* doc_buf = NULL; int size = 0; xmlDocDumpMemoryEnc(doc,&doc_buf,&size,"UTF-8"); std::shared_ptr sp_xc(doc_buf,[](xmlChar* doc_buf){ xmlFree(doc_buf); }); fwrite(doc_buf,strlen((const char*)doc_buf),1,file); xmlBufferPtr buf = xmlBufferCreate(); std::shared_ptr sp_buf(buf,[](void* buf1){ xmlBufferPtr buf = (xmlBufferPtr)buf1; xmlBufferFree(buf); }); const char* kRootBegin = " "; fwrite(kRootBegin,strlen(kRootBegin),1,file); for(int i = 0; i< 10; ++i){ one_node = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "one"); xmlNewChild(one_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "node1", BAD_CAST "content of node 1"); xmlNewChild(one_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "node2", NULL); node = xmlNewChild(one_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "node3",BAD_CAST "this node has attributes"); xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "attribute", BAD_CAST "yes"); xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "foo", BAD_CAST "bar"); node = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "node4"); node1 = xmlNewText(BAD_CAST "other way to create content (which is also a node)"); xmlAddChild(node, node1); xmlAddChild(one_node, node); xmlNodeDump(buf,doc,one_node,1,1); fwrite(buf->content,buf->use,1,file); xmlUnlinkNode(one_node); xmlFreeNode(one_node); xmlBufferEmpty(buf); } const char* kRootEnd = " "; fwrite(kRootEnd,strlen(kRootEnd),1,file); }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>contentÖÐÎÄ of node 1 this node has attributes other way to create content (which is also a node) content of node 1 this node has attributes other way to create content (which is also a node) content of node 1 this node has attributes other way to create content (which is also a node) content of node 1 this node has attributes other way to create content (which is also a node) content of node 1 this node has attributes other way to create content (which is also a node) content of node 1 this node has attributes other way to create content (which is also a node) content of node 1 this node has attributes other way to create content (which is also a node) content of node 1 this node has attributes other way to create content (which is also a node) content of node 1 this node has attributes other way to create content (which is also a node) content of node 1 this node has attributes other way to create content (which is also a node)