/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public KeyEvent dispatchUnhandledKey(WindowState win, KeyEvent event, int policyFlags) { ... KeyEvent fallbackEvent = null; if ((event.getFlags() & KeyEvent.FLAG_FALLBACK) == 0) { final KeyCharacterMap kcm = event.getKeyCharacterMap(); final int keyCode = event.getKeyCode(); final int metaState = event.getMetaState(); final boolean initialDown = event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN && event.getRepeatCount() == 0; // Check for fallback actions specified by the key character map. final FallbackAction fallbackAction; if (initialDown) { fallbackAction = kcm.getFallbackAction(keyCode, metaState); } else { fallbackAction = mFallbackActions.get(keyCode); } if (fallbackAction != null) { ... final int flags = event.getFlags() | KeyEvent.FLAG_FALLBACK; fallbackEvent = KeyEvent.obtain( event.getDownTime(), event.getEventTime(), event.getAction(), fallbackAction.keyCode, event.getRepeatCount(), fallbackAction.metaState, event.getDeviceId(), event.getScanCode(), flags, event.getSource(), null); if (!interceptFallback(win, fallbackEvent, policyFlags)) { fallbackEvent.recycle(); fallbackEvent = null; } if (initialDown) { mFallbackActions.put(keyCode, fallbackAction); } else if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_UP) { mFallbackActions.remove(keyCode); fallbackAction.recycle(); } } } ... return fallbackEvent; }
private boolean interceptFallback(WindowState win, KeyEvent fallbackEvent, int policyFlags) { int actions = interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(fallbackEvent, policyFlags); if ((actions & ACTION_PASS_TO_USER) != 0) { long delayMillis = interceptKeyBeforedispatching( win, fallbackEvent, policyFlags); if (delayMillis == 0) { return true; } } return false; }
@Override public int interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(KeyEvent event, int policyFlags) { if (!mSystemBooted) { // If we have not yet booted, don't let key events do anything. return 0; } ... // Handle special keys. switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_MUTE: { if (mUseTvRouting) { // On TVs volume keys never go to the foreground app result &= ~ACTION_PASS_TO_USER; } if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN) { if (down) { if (interactive && !mScreenshotChordVolumeDownKeyTriggered && (event.getFlags() & KeyEvent.FLAG_FALLBACK) == 0) { mScreenshotChordVolumeDownKeyTriggered = true; mScreenshotChordVolumeDownKeyTime = event.getDownTime(); mScreenshotChordVolumeDownKeyConsumed = false; cancelPendingPowerKeyAction(); interceptScreenshotChord(); } } else { mScreenshotChordVolumeDownKeyTriggered = false; cancelPendingScreenshotChordAction(); } } ... return result; }
回到我们的interceptKeyBeforeQueueing方法,当我用按下音量减少按键的时候回进入到:case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_MUTE分支并执行相应的逻辑,然后同时判断用户是否按下了电源键,若同时按下了电源键,则执行:
if (interactive && !mScreenshotChordVolumeDownKeyTriggered && (event.getFlags() & KeyEvent.FLAG_FALLBACK) == 0) { mScreenshotChordVolumeDownKeyTriggered = true; mScreenshotChordVolumeDownKeyTime = event.getDownTime(); mScreenshotChordVolumeDownKeyConsumed = false; cancelPendingPowerKeyAction(); interceptScreenshotChord(); }
private void interceptScreenshotChord() { if (mScreenshotChordEnabled && mScreenshotChordVolumeDownKeyTriggered && mScreenshotChordPowerKeyTriggered && !mScreenshotChordVolumeUpKeyTriggered) { final long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); if (now <= mScreenshotChordVolumeDownKeyTime + SCREENSHOT_CHORD_DEBOUNCE_DELAY_MILLIS && now <= mScreenshotChordPowerKeyTime + SCREENSHOT_CHORD_DEBOUNCE_DELAY_MILLIS) { mScreenshotChordVolumeDownKeyConsumed = true; cancelPendingPowerKeyAction(); mHandler.postDelayed(mScreenshotRunnable, getScreenshotChordLongPressDelay()); } } }
private long getScreenshotChordLongPressDelay() { if (mKeyguardDelegate.isShowing()) { // Double the time it takes to take a screenshot from the keyguard return (long) (KEYGUARD_SCREENSHOT_CHORD_DELAY_MULTIPLIER * ViewConfiguration.get(mContext).getDeviceGlobalActionKeyTimeout()); } return ViewConfiguration.get(mContext).getDeviceGlobalActionKeyTimeout(); }
private final Runnable mScreenshotRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { takeScreenshot(); } };
private void takeScreenshot() { synchronized (mScreenshotLock) { if (mScreenshotConnection != null) { return; } ComponentName cn = new ComponentName("", ""); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setComponent(cn); ServiceConnection conn = new ServiceConnection() { @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) { synchronized (mScreenshotLock) { if (mScreenshotConnection != this) { return; } Messenger messenger = new Messenger(service); Message msg = Message.obtain(null, 1); final ServiceConnection myConn = this; Handler h = new Handler(mHandler.getLooper()) { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { synchronized (mScreenshotLock) { if (mScreenshotConnection == myConn) { mContext.unbindService(mScreenshotConnection); mScreenshotConnection = null; mHandler.removeCallbacks(mScreenshotTimeout); } } } }; msg.replyTo = new Messenger(h); msg.arg1 = msg.arg2 = 0; if (mStatusBar != null && mStatusBar.isVisibleLw()) msg.arg1 = 1; if (mNavigationBar != null && mNavigationBar.isVisibleLw()) msg.arg2 = 1; try { messenger.send(msg); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } } @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {} }; if (mContext.bindServiceAsUser( intent, conn, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE, UserHandle.CURRENT)) { mScreenshotConnection = conn; mHandler.postDelayed(mScreenshotTimeout, 10000); } } }
public class TakeScreenshotService extends Service { private static final String TAG = "TakeScreenshotService"; private static GlobalScreenshot mScreenshot; private Handler mHandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case 1: final Messenger callback = msg.replyTo; if (mScreenshot == null) { mScreenshot = new GlobalScreenshot(TakeScreenshotService.this); } mScreenshot.takeScreenshot(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Message reply = Message.obtain(null, 1); try { callback.send(reply); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } }, msg.arg1 > 0, msg.arg2 > 0); } } }; @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return new Messenger(mHandler).getBinder(); } }
/** * Takes a screenshot of the current display and shows an animation. */ void takeScreenshot(Runnable finisher, boolean statusBarVisible, boolean navBarVisible) { // We need to orient the screenshot correctly (and the Surface api seems to take screenshots // only in the natural orientation of the device :!) mDisplay.getRealMetrics(mDisplayMetrics); float[] dims = {mDisplayMetrics.widthPixels, mDisplayMetrics.heightPixels}; float degrees = getDegreesForRotation(mDisplay.getRotation()); boolean requiresRotation = (degrees > 0); if (requiresRotation) { // Get the dimensions of the device in its native orientation mDisplayMatrix.reset(); mDisplayMatrix.preRotate(-degrees); mDisplayMatrix.mapPoints(dims); dims[0] = Math.abs(dims[0]); dims[1] = Math.abs(dims[1]); } // Take the screenshot mScreenBitmap = SurfaceControl.screenshot((int) dims[0], (int) dims[1]); if (mScreenBitmap == null) { notifyScreenshotError(mContext, mNotificationManager);; return; } if (requiresRotation) { // Rotate the screenshot to the current orientation Bitmap ss = Bitmap.createBitmap(mDisplayMetrics.widthPixels, mDisplayMetrics.heightPixels, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas c = new Canvas(ss); c.translate(ss.getWidth() / 2, ss.getHeight() / 2); c.rotate(degrees); c.translate(-dims[0] / 2, -dims[1] / 2); c.drawBitmap(mScreenBitmap, 0, 0, null); c.setBitmap(null); // Recycle the previous bitmap mScreenBitmap.recycle(); mScreenBitmap = ss; } // Optimizations mScreenBitmap.setHasAlpha(false); mScreenBitmap.prepareToDraw(); // Start the post-screenshot animation startAnimation(finisher, mDisplayMetrics.widthPixels, mDisplayMetrics.heightPixels, statusBarVisible, navBarVisible); }
if (mStatusBar != null && mStatusBar.isVisibleLw()) msg.arg1 = 1; if (mNavigationBar != null && mNavigationBar.isVisibleLw()) msg.arg2 = 1;
// Take the screenshot mScreenBitmap = SurfaceControl.screenshot((int) dims[0], (int) dims[1]);
public static Bitmap screenshot(int width, int height) { // TODO: should take the display as a parameter IBinder displayToken = SurfaceControl.getBuiltInDisplay( SurfaceControl.BUILT_IN_DISPLAY_ID_MAIN); return nativeScreenshot(displayToken, new Rect(), width, height, 0, 0, true, false, Surface.ROTATION_0); }
if (mScreenBitmap == null) { notifyScreenshotError(mContext, mNotificationManager);; return; }
static void notifyScreenshotError(Context context, NotificationManager nManager) { Resources r = context.getResources(); // Clear all existing notification, compose the new notification and show it Notification.Builder b = new Notification.Builder(context) .setTicker(r.getString(R.string.screenshot_failed_title)) .setContentTitle(r.getString(R.string.screenshot_failed_title)) .setContentText(r.getString(R.string.screenshot_failed_text)) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.stat_notify_image_error) .setWhen(System.currentTimeMillis()) .setVisibility(Notification.VISIBILITY_PUBLIC) // ok to show outside lockscreen .setCategory(Notification.CATEGORY_ERROR) .setAutoCancel(true) .setColor(context.getColor(; Notification n = new Notification.BigTextStyle(b) .bigText(r.getString(R.string.screenshot_failed_text)) .build(); nManager.notify(, n); }
if (requiresRotation) { // Rotate the screenshot to the current orientation Bitmap ss = Bitmap.createBitmap(mDisplayMetrics.widthPixels, mDisplayMetrics.heightPixels, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas c = new Canvas(ss); c.translate(ss.getWidth() / 2, ss.getHeight() / 2); c.rotate(degrees); c.translate(-dims[0] / 2, -dims[1] / 2); c.drawBitmap(mScreenBitmap, 0, 0, null); c.setBitmap(null); // Recycle the previous bitmap mScreenBitmap.recycle(); mScreenBitmap = ss; }
// Start the post-screenshot animation startAnimation(finisher, mDisplayMetrics.widthPixels, mDisplayMetrics.heightPixels, statusBarVisible, navBarVisible);
/** * Starts the animation after taking the screenshot */ private void startAnimation(final Runnable finisher, int w, int h, boolean statusBarVisible, boolean navBarVisible) { // Add the view for the animation mScreenshotView.setImageBitmap(mScreenBitmap); mScreenshotLayout.requestFocus(); // Setup the animation with the screenshot just taken if (mScreenshotAnimation != null) { mScreenshotAnimation.end(); mScreenshotAnimation.removeAllListeners(); } mWindowManager.addView(mScreenshotLayout, mWindowLayoutParams); ValueAnimator screenshotDropInAnim = createScreenshotDropInAnimation(); ValueAnimator screenshotFadeOutAnim = createScreenshotDropOutAnimation(w, h, statusBarVisible, navBarVisible); mScreenshotAnimation = new AnimatorSet(); mScreenshotAnimation.playSequentially(screenshotDropInAnim, screenshotFadeOutAnim); mScreenshotAnimation.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { // Save the screenshot once we have a bit of time now saveScreenshotInWorkerThread(finisher); mWindowManager.removeView(mScreenshotLayout); // Clear any references to the bitmap mScreenBitmap = null; mScreenshotView.setImageBitmap(null); } }); Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Play the shutter sound to notify that we've taken a screenshot; mScreenshotView.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE, null); mScreenshotView.buildLayer(); mScreenshotAnimation.start(); } }); }
/** * Creates a new worker thread and saves the screenshot to the media store. */ private void saveScreenshotInWorkerThread(Runnable finisher) { SaveImageInBackgroundData data = new SaveImageInBackgroundData(); data.context = mContext; data.image = mScreenBitmap; data.iconSize = mNotificationIconSize; data.finisher = finisher; data.previewWidth = mPreviewWidth; data.previewheight = mPreviewHeight; if (mSaveInBgTask != null) { mSaveInBgTask.cancel(false); } mSaveInBgTask = new SaveImageInBackgroundTask(mContext, data, mNotificationManager,; }
SaveImageInBackgroundTask(Context context, SaveImageInBackgroundData data, NotificationManager nManager, int nId) { ... // Show the intermediate notification mTickerAddSpace = !mTickerAddSpace; mNotificationId = nId; mNotificationManager = nManager; final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); mNotificationBuilder = new Notification.Builder(context) .setTicker(r.getString(R.string.screenshot_saving_ticker) + (mTickerAddSpace ? " " : "")) .setContentTitle(r.getString(R.string.screenshot_saving_title)) .setContentText(r.getString(R.string.screenshot_saving_text)) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.stat_notify_image) .setWhen(now) .setColor(r.getColor(; mNotificationStyle = new Notification.BigPictureStyle() .bigPicture(picture.createAshmemBitmap()); mNotificationBuilder.setStyle(mNotificationStyle); // For "public" situations we want to show all the same info but // omit the actual screenshot image. mPublicNotificationBuilder = new Notification.Builder(context) .setContentTitle(r.getString(R.string.screenshot_saving_title)) .setContentText(r.getString(R.string.screenshot_saving_text)) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.stat_notify_image) .setCategory(Notification.CATEGORY_PROGRESS) .setWhen(now) .setColor(r.getColor(; mNotificationBuilder.setPublicVersion(; Notification n =; n.flags |= Notification.FLAG_NO_CLEAR; mNotificationManager.notify(nId, n); // On the tablet, the large icon makes the notification appear as if it is clickable (and // on small devices, the large icon is not shown) so defer showing the large icon until // we compose the final post-save notification below. mNotificationBuilder.setLargeIcon(icon.createAshmemBitmap()); // But we still don't set it for the expanded view, allowing the smallIcon to show here. mNotificationStyle.bigLargeIcon((Bitmap) null); }