using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace ConsoleApplication2 { class Game { string[] str = new string[52]; int[] number = new int[52]; int i = 0; int[] a = new int[4]; int[] b = new int[4]; int[] c = new int[4]; int[] d = new int[4]; int[] e = new int[4]; Random ra = new Random(unchecked((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks)); public void getnum(int[] number, int minnum, int maxnum) { int flag; flag = number[i] = ra.Next(0, 52); int f = 0; while (f < i) { if (number[f] == flag) getnum(number, 0, 52); f++; } } public void GetRandomNum()//给number随机赋从0到51不同的值 { while (i < 52) { int flag; flag = number[i] = ra.Next(0, 52); int f = 0; while (f < i) { if (number[f] == flag) { getnum(number, 0, 52); break; } f++; } i++; } } public void EnterCard()//给每个字符串数组赋上牌值 { str[0] = "1 of the club"; str[1] = "2 of the club"; str[2] = "3 of the club"; str[3] = "4 of the club"; str[4] = "5 of the club"; str[5] = "6 of the club"; str[6] = "7 of the club"; str[7] = "8 of the club"; str[8] = "9 of the club"; str[9] = "10 of the club"; str[10] = "Jack of the club"; str[11] = "queen of the club"; str[12] = "king of the club"; str[13] = "1 of the diamond"; str[14] = "2 of the diamond"; str[15] = "3 of the diamond"; str[16] = "4 of the diamond"; str[17] = "5 of the diamond"; str[18] = "6 of the diamond"; str[19] = "7 of the diamond"; str[20] = "8 of the diamond"; str[21] = "9 of the diamond"; str[22] = "10 of the diamond"; str[23] = "Jack of the diamond"; str[24] = "queen of the diamond"; str[25] = "king of the diamond"; str[26] = "1 of the heart"; str[27] = "2 of the heart"; str[28] = "3 of the heart"; str[29] = "4 of the heart"; str[30] = "5 of the heart"; str[31] = "6 of the heart"; str[32] = "7 of the heart"; str[33] = "8 of the heart"; str[34] = "9 of the heart"; str[35] = "10 of the heart"; str[36] = "Jack of the heart"; str[37] = "queen of the heart"; str[38] = "king of the heart"; str[39] = "1 of the spade"; str[40] = "2 of the spade"; str[41] = "3 of the spade"; str[42] = "4 of the spade"; str[43] = "5 of the spade"; str[44] = "6 of the spade"; str[45] = "7 of the spade"; str[46] = "8 of the spade"; str[47] = "9 of the spade"; str[48] = "10 of the spade"; str[49] = "Jack of the spade"; str[50] = "queen of the spade"; str[51] = "king of the spade"; } public void FaPai(int PersonNum)//发牌 { for (int j = 0; j < PersonNum; j++) { a[j] = number[j * 5]; b[j] = number[j * 5 + 1]; c[j] = number[j * 5 + 2]; d[j] = number[j * 5 + 3]; e[j] = number[j * 5 + 4]; } } public void Print(string[] PersonName, int j)//显示玩家的牌 { Console.WriteLine("玩家{0}的牌", PersonName[j]); Console.WriteLine("1. {0}", str[a[j]]); Console.WriteLine("2. {0}", str[b[j]]); Console.WriteLine("3. {0}", str[c[j]]); Console.WriteLine("4. {0}", str[d[j]]); Console.WriteLine("5. {0}", str[e[j]]); } public void Print1(string[] PersonName, int j)//显示玩家的牌 { Console.WriteLine("玩家{0}剩下的牌", PersonName[j]); Console.WriteLine("1. {0}", str[a[j]]); Console.WriteLine("2. {0}", str[b[j]]); Console.WriteLine("3. {0}", str[c[j]]); Console.WriteLine("4. {0}", str[d[j]]); Console.WriteLine("5. {0}", str[e[j]]); Console.WriteLine("按ENTER建进入下一个玩家"); Console.ReadLine(); } public bool CompareAns(int j, string[] PersonName, int n, bool bool2)//对玩家的牌与胜利的结果进行比较 { int min = 0, max = 0; max = (a[j] > b[j]) ? a[j] : b[j]; max = (c[j] > max) ? c[j] : max; max = (d[j] > max) ? d[j] : max; max = (e[j] > max) ? e[j] : max; min = (a[j] < b[j]) ? a[j] : b[j]; min = (c[j] < min) ? c[j] : min; min = (d[j] < min) ? d[j] : min; min = (e[j] < min) ? e[j] : min; if (min >= 0 && max < 13 || min >= 13 && max < 26 || min >= 26 && max < 39 || min >= 39 && max < 52) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("恭喜玩家{0}赢得游戏!", PersonName[j]); bool2 = false; } //判断是否还有底牌可供玩家拿取 else if (n==52) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("没有底牌了!!重新开始。"); bool2 = false; } return bool2; } public void TakeCard(string[] PersonName, int PersonNum)//玩家打牌 { GetRandomNum(); int n = 1, botton=7; int f = 0; int up = 0, up1 = 0; bool bool2 = true; bool bool1 = false; // 发牌 FaPai(PersonNum); //玩家打牌 n = 5 * PersonNum; while (bool2) { for (int j = 0; j < PersonNum; j++) { //显示玩家的牌 Console.Clear(); if (bool1) { Console.Write("上一玩家打出的牌是"); Console.WriteLine("{0}", str[up]); } bool1 = true; Print(PersonName, j); //玩家从剩下的牌中拿牌或拿上一玩家扔出来的牌 char D='f'; if (n == 5 * PersonNum) { try { Console.WriteLine("按D从剩下的牌中拿一张牌"); D = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Thread.Sleep(1000); System.Environment.Exit(0); } if (D == 'D' || D == 'd') { f = number[n]; n++; Print(PersonName, j); Console.WriteLine("6. {0}", str[f]); } } else { Console.WriteLine("按D从剩下的牌中拿一张牌或者按T拿被上一玩家打的牌"); D = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine()); if (D == 'D' || D == 'd') { f = number[n]; n++; Print(PersonName, j); Console.WriteLine("6. {0}", str[f]); } else if (D == 't' || D == 'T') { Print(PersonName, j); Console.WriteLine("6. {0}", str[up]); } } //打牌 try { Console.WriteLine("输入你想要打出牌的序号:"); botton = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Thread.Sleep(1000); System.Environment.Exit(0); } switch (botton) { case 1: { Console.WriteLine("被打出的牌是{0}", str[a[j]]); up1 = up; up = a[j]; a[j] = b[j]; b[j] = c[j]; c[j] = d[j]; d[j] = e[j]; if (D == 'd' || D == 'D') e[j] = f; else if (D == 't' || D == 'T') e[j] = up1; Print1(PersonName, j); break; } case 2: { Console.WriteLine("被打出的牌是{0}", str[b[j]]); up1 = up; up = b[j]; b[j] = c[j]; c[j] = d[j]; d[j] = e[j]; if (D == 'd' || D == 'D') e[j] = f; else if (D == 't' || D == 'T') e[j] = up1; Print1(PersonName, j); break; } case 3: { Console.WriteLine("被打出的牌是{0}", str[c[j]]); up1 = up; up = c[j]; c[j] = d[j]; d[j] = e[j]; if (D == 'd' || D == 'D') e[j] = f; else if (D == 't' || D == 'T') e[j] = up1; Print1(PersonName, j); break; } case 4: { Console.WriteLine("被打出的牌是{0}", str[d[j]]); up1 = up; up = d[j]; d[j] = e[j]; if (D == 'd' || D == 'D') e[j] = f; else if (D == 't' || D == 'T') e[j] = up1; Print1(PersonName, j); break; } case 5: { Console.WriteLine("被打出的牌是{0}", str[e[j]]); up1 = up; up = e[j]; if (D == 'd' || D == 'D') e[j] = f; else if (D == 't' || D == 'T') e[j] = up1; Print1(PersonName, j); break; } case 6: { Console.WriteLine("被打出的牌是{0}", str[f]); up = f; Print1(PersonName, j); break; } default: Console.WriteLine("输入错误"); break; } //判断结果 bool2 = CompareAns(j,PersonName,n,bool2); if (bool2 == false) break; } } } } class ExeMain { static void Main(string[] args) { int PersonNum=0; Game obj = new Game(); Console.WriteLine("第一个输入的名字将作为第一个开始拿牌的人:"); Console.WriteLine("游戏的人数:"); try { PersonNum = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Thread.Sleep(1000); System.Environment.Exit(0); } string[] PersonName = new string[PersonNum]; for (int i = 0; i < PersonNum; i++) { Console.WriteLine("输入玩家{0}的名字", i + 1); PersonName[i] = Console.ReadLine(); } obj.EnterCard();//给每个字符串数组赋值 obj.TakeCard(PersonName, PersonNum);//给每个玩家发牌 Console.ReadLine(); } }