#include#include#define true 1
#define false 0
#define bool _Bool
#define _Bool bool
#define and &&
#define and_eq &=
#define bitand &
#define bitor |
#define compl ~
#define not !
#define not_eq !=
#define or ||
#define or_eq |=
#define xor ^
#define xor_eq ^=
#define INT_MAX 2147483647
#define INT_MIN -2147483648
#define LONG_INT_MAX 9223372036854775807
#define LONG_INT_MIN -9223372036854775807
#define PI_2 3.14
#define PI_4 3.1415
#define PI_7 3.1415926
#define PI_13 3.1415926535897
#define PI_20 3.14159265358979655845
typedef const char* Errtype;
const Errtype InputError = "InputError";
const Errtype OutputError = "OutputError";
const Errtype IndexError = "IndexError";
const Errtype NameError = "NameError";
const Errtype TypeError = "TypeError";
const Errtype SyntaxError = "SyntaxError";
const Errtype IncludeError = "IncludeError";
const Errtype SystemError = "SystemError";
const Errtype UnicodeError = "UnicodeError";
const Errtype ValueError = "ValueError";
const Errtype Exit = "Exit";
struct Fraction{
int Denominator;
int Molecule;
struct ListNode{
int Value;
struct ListNode *Prev;
struct ListNode *Next;
double FractionToDouble(struct Fraction Fract) {
return (double)Fract.Denominator / (double)Fract.Molecule;
FILE* WriteTo(char *Filename){
return freopen(Filename, "w", stdout);
FILE* ReadFrom(char *Filename){
return freopen(Filename, "r", stdin);
void CloseFile(FILE *File){
void Int_Input(int* Val){
int s = scanf("%d", Val);
printf("Scanned {errtype InputError}, trying to fixed……");
void String_Input(char* Val){
int s = scanf("%s", Val);
printf("Scanned {errtype InputError}, trying to fixed……");
void Int_Output(int Val){
int s = printf("%d\n", Val);
printf("Scanned {errtype OutputError}, trying to fixed……");
void String_Output(char *Val){
int s = printf("%s\n", Val);
printf("Scanned {errtype OutputError}, trying to fixed……");
const void* Max(const void* Val1, const void* Val2){
return Val1 >Val2 ? Val1 : Val2;
const void* Min(const void* Val1, const void* Val2){
return Val1< Val2 ? Val1 : Val2;
int Compare(const void* Val1, const void* Val2){
if(Val1 == Val2){
return 0;
return Val1 >Val2 ? 1 : -1;
void Reverse(int *List, int From, int To){
for(int i=From;i<=To;i++){
int tmp = List[i];
List[i] = List[To-i];
List[To-i] = tmp;
long long QuickPower(long long Base, long long Index){
long long result = 1;
while(Index >0){
if(Index & 1) result = result * Base % LONG_INT_MAX;
Index >>= 1;
Base = Base * Base % LONG_INT_MAX;
return result;
void QuickSort(int *Number, int First, int Last) {
int i, j, pivot;
int temp;
if (FirstNumber[pivot])
if (iStr2[i])c1++;
if(Str1[i]< Str2[i])c2++;
if(c1 >c2)return 1;
if(c1< c2)return -1;
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
if(l1Next = This;
This->Value = i;
This->Prev = prev;
This->Next = NULL;
prev = This;
return head;
struct ListNode* Push_ListNode(struct ListNode *Head, int Value){
struct ListNode *This = Head;
while (This->Next != NULL) {
This = This->Next;
struct ListNode *Next = (struct ListNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
Next->Value = Value;
Next->Next = NULL;
Next->Prev = This;
This->Next = Next;
return Head;
struct ListNode* Pop_ListNode(struct ListNode *Head, int Index){
struct ListNode *This;
int idx=0;
while (This->Next != NULL && idx< Index) {
This = This->Next;
This->Prev->Next = This->Next;
This->Next->Prev = This->Prev;
return Head;
int Length_ListNode(struct ListNode *Head){
struct ListNode *This = Head;
int count=0;
while (This->Next != NULL) {
This = This->Next;
return ++count;
int Find(int *List, int Value, int Size){
int Flag = 0;
while(List[Flag++]!=Value&&FlagValue == Value){
This = This->Next;
return count;
void List_Output(int *List, int From, int To){
for(int i=From;i9){
Num += this*This;
This *= 10;
return Num;
int Find_AscList(int *List, int Size, int Target){
int left = 0, right = Size - 1, mid = (right + left) / 2;
while (left< right && List[left] != List[right]) {
if (List[mid] >= Target) {
if (right == mid) right--;
else right = mid;
} else {
if (left == mid) left++;
else left = mid;
mid = (right + left) / 2;
if (List[mid] != Target) left = -2;
return left+1;
int Find_DescList(int *List, int Size, int Target){
Reverse(List, 0, Size+1);
int answer = Find_AscList(List, Size, Target);
Reverse(List, 0, Size+1);
return answer;
char* IntegerToString(int Number){
static char StrNum[1024] = {0};
int Tail = 0;
while(Number)StrNum[Tail++] = Number % 10 + '0',Number = Number / 10;
return StrNum;
#define Exit() Throw(Exit)