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/** * DistributedLockUtil.java * 分布式锁工厂类,所有分布式请求都由该工厂类负责 **/ public class DistributedLockUtil { private static Object schemeLock = new Object(); private static Object mutexLock = new Object(); private static MapmutexLockMap = new ConcurrentHashMap(); private String schema; private Map cache = new ConcurrentHashMap (); private static Map instances = new ConcurrentHashMap(); public static DistributedLockUtil getInstance(String schema){ DistributedLockUtil u = instances.get(schema); if(u==null){ synchronized(schemeLock){ u = instances.get(schema); if(u == null){ u = new DistributedLockUtil(schema); instances.put(schema, u); } } } return u; } private DistributedLockUtil(String schema){ this.schema = schema; } private Object getMutex(String key){ Object mx = mutexLockMap.get(key); if(mx == null){ synchronized(mutexLock){ mx = mutexLockMap.get(key); if(mx==null){ mx = new Object(); mutexLockMap.put(key,mx); } } } return mx; } private DistributedReentrantLock getLock(String key){ DistributedReentrantLock lock = cache.get(key); if(lock == null){ synchronized(getMutex(key)){ lock = cache.get(key); if(lock == null){ lock = new DistributedReentrantLock(key,schema); cache.put(key, lock); } } } return lock; } public void reset(){ for(String s : cache.keySet()){ getLock(s).unlock(); } } /** * 尝试加锁 * 如果当前线程已经拥有该锁的话,直接返回false,表示不用再次加锁,此时不应该再调用unlock进行解锁 * * @param key * @return * @throws InterruptedException * @throws KeeperException */ public LockStat lock(String key) throws InterruptedException, KeeperException{ if(getLock(key).isOwner()){ return LockStat.NONEED; } getLock(key).lock(); return LockStat.SUCCESS; } public void clearLock(String key) throws InterruptedException, KeeperException{ synchronized(getMutex(key)){ DistributedReentrantLock l = cache.get(key); l.clear(); cache.remove(key); } } public void unlock(String key,LockStat stat) throws InterruptedException, KeeperException{ unlock(key,stat,false); } public void unlock(String key,LockStat stat,boolean keepalive) throws InterruptedException, KeeperException{ if(stat == null) return; if(LockStat.SUCCESS.equals(stat)){ DistributedReentrantLock lock = getLock(key); boolean hasWaiter = lock.unlock(); if(!hasWaiter && !keepalive){ synchronized(getMutex(key)){ lock.clear(); cache.remove(key); } } } } public static enum LockStat{ NONEED, SUCCESS } }
/** *DistributedReentrantLock.java *本地线程之间锁争用,先使用虚拟机内部锁机制,减少结点间通信开销 */ public class DistributedReentrantLock { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DistributedReentrantLock.class); private ReentrantLock reentrantLock = new ReentrantLock(); private WriteLock writeLock; private long timeout = 3*60*1000; private final Object mutex = new Object(); private String dir; private String schema; private final ExitListener exitListener = new ExitListener(){ @Override public void execute() { initWriteLock(); } }; private synchronized void initWriteLock(){ logger.debug("初始化writeLock"); writeLock = new WriteLock(dir,new LockListener(){ @Override public void lockAcquired() { synchronized(mutex){ mutex.notify(); } } @Override public void lockReleased() { } },schema); if(writeLock != null && writeLock.zk != null){ writeLock.zk.addExitListener(exitListener); } synchronized(mutex){ mutex.notify(); } } public DistributedReentrantLock(String dir,String schema) { this.dir = dir; this.schema = schema; initWriteLock(); } public void lock(long timeout) throws InterruptedException, KeeperException { reentrantLock.lock();//多线程竞争时,先拿到第一层锁 try{ boolean res = writeLock.trylock(); if(!res){ synchronized(mutex){ mutex.wait(timeout); } if(writeLock == null || !writeLock.isOwner()){ throw new InterruptedException("锁超时"); } } }catch(InterruptedException e){ reentrantLock.unlock(); throw e; }catch(KeeperException e){ reentrantLock.unlock(); throw e; } } public void lock() throws InterruptedException, KeeperException { lock(timeout); } public void destroy() throws KeeperException { writeLock.unlock(); } public boolean unlock(){ if(!isOwner()) return false; try{ writeLock.unlock(); reentrantLock.unlock();//多线程竞争时,释放最外层锁 }catch(RuntimeException e){ reentrantLock.unlock();//多线程竞争时,释放最外层锁 throw e; } return reentrantLock.hasQueuedThreads(); } public boolean isOwner() { return reentrantLock.isHeldByCurrentThread() && writeLock.isOwner(); } public void clear() { writeLock.clear(); } }
/** *WriteLock.java *基于zk的锁实现 *一个最简单的场景如下: *1.结点A请求加锁,在特定路径下注册自己(会话自增结点),得到一个ID号1 *2.结点B请求加锁,在特定路径下注册自己(会话自增结点),得到一个ID号2 *3.结点A获取所有结点ID,判断出来自己是最小结点号,于是获得锁 *4.结点B获取所有结点ID,判断出来自己不是最小结点,于是监听小于自己的最大结点(结点A)变更事件 *5.结点A拿到锁,处理业务,处理完,释放锁(删除自己) *6.结点B收到结点A变更事件,判断出来自己已经是最小结点号,于是获得锁。 */ public class WriteLock extends ZkPrimative { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(WriteLock.class); private final String dir; private String id; private LockNode idName; private String ownerId; private String lastChildId; private byte[] data = {0x12, 0x34}; private LockListener callback; public WriteLock(String dir,String schema) { super(schema,true); this.dir = dir; } public WriteLock(String dir,LockListener callback,String schema) { this(dir,schema); this.callback = callback; } public LockListener getLockListener() { return this.callback; } public void setLockListener(LockListener callback) { this.callback = callback; } public synchronized void unlock() throws RuntimeException { if(zk == null || zk.isClosed()){ return; } if (id != null) { try { zk.delete(id, -1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Caught: " + e, e); //set that we have been interrupted. Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) { // do nothing } catch (KeeperException e) { LOG.warn("Caught: " + e, e); throw (RuntimeException) new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()). initCause(e); }finally { if (callback != null) { callback.lockReleased(); } id = null; } } } private class LockWatcher implements Watcher { public void process(WatchedEvent event) { LOG.debug("Watcher fired on path: " + event.getPath() + " state: " + event.getState() + " type " + event.getType()); try { trylock(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Failed to acquire lock: " + e, e); } } } private void findPrefixInChildren(String prefix, ZooKeeper zookeeper, String dir) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { Listnames = zookeeper.getChildren(dir, false); for (String name : names) { if (name.startsWith(prefix)) { id = dir + "/" + name; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Found id created last time: " + id); } break; } } if (id == null) { id = zookeeper.create(dir + "/" + prefix, data, acl, EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Created id: " + id); } } } public void clear() { if(zk == null || zk.isClosed()){ return; } try { zk.delete(dir, -1); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("clear error: " + e,e); } } public synchronized boolean trylock() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { if(zk == null){ LOG.info("zk 是空"); return false; } if (zk.isClosed()) { LOG.info("zk 已经关闭"); return false; } ensurePathExists(dir); LOG.debug("id:"+id); do { if (id == null) { long sessionId = zk.getSessionId(); String prefix = "x-" + sessionId + "-"; idName = new LockNode(id); LOG.debug("idName:"+idName); } if (id != null) { List names = zk.getChildren(dir, false); if (names.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("No children in: " + dir + " when we've just " + "created one! Lets recreate it..."); id = null; } else { SortedSet sortedNames = new TreeSet (); for (String name : names) { sortedNames.add(new LockNode(dir + "/" + name)); } ownerId = sortedNames.first().getName(); LOG.debug("all:"+sortedNames); SortedSet lessThanMe = sortedNames.headSet(idName); LOG.debug("less than me:"+lessThanMe); if (!lessThanMe.isEmpty()) { LockNode lastChildName = lessThanMe.last(); lastChildId = lastChildName.getName(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("watching less than me node: " + lastChildId); } Stat stat = zk.exists(lastChildId, new LockWatcher()); if (stat != null) { return Boolean.FALSE; } else { LOG.warn("Could not find the" + " stats for less than me: " + lastChildName.getName()); } } else { if (isOwner()) { if (callback != null) { callback.lockAcquired(); } return Boolean.TRUE; } } } } } while (id == null); return Boolean.FALSE; } public String getDir() { return dir; } public boolean isOwner() { return id != null && ownerId != null && id.equals(ownerId); } public String getId() { return this.id; } }