
col spid format a10
col inst_id format a7
col owner format a15
col object_name format a20
col machine format a30
col program format a20
select pr.spid,se.inst_id,se.sid,se.serial#,ob.owner,ob.object_name,se.osuser,se.machine,se.terminal,se.program
,gvl1.ctime,(select count(*)-1 from gv$lock  where inst_id=gvl2.inst_id and id1=gvl2.id1) as blocking_session,
trunc(gvl2.id1/power(2,16)) xidusn,bitand(gvl2.id1,to_number('ffff','xxxx')) xidslot,gvl2.id2 xidsqn
from gv$lock gvl1,gv$session se,dba_objects ob ,gv$process pr,
(select * from gv$lock where block=1) gvl2
where gvl1.inst_id=gvl2.inst_id and gvl1.sid=gvl2.sid and gvl1.type='TM'
and gvl1.inst_id=se.inst_id and gvl1.sid=se.sid and gvl1.id1=ob.object_id
and se.paddr=pr.addr;
