根据Oracle 学习之性能优化(二)游标中的描述,我们知道如下两条语句是不共享的。
select * from emp where empno=7698; select * from emp where empno=7566;
SQL> variable empno number; SQL> exec :empno := 7839; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select ename from emp where empno = :empno; ENAME ------------------------------ KING SQL> exec :empno := 7782; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select ename from emp where empno = :empno; ENAME ------------------------------ CLARK SQL>
SQL> COL SQL_TEXT FOR A30 SQL> COL SQL_ID FOR A20 SQL> SET LINESIZE 200 SQL> SELECT sql_id,sql_text,executions,loads,version_count FROM v$sqlarea WHERE sql_text LIKE '%:empno'; SQL_ID SQL_TEXT EXECUTIONS LOADS VERSION_COUNT -------------------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ------------- f6r0kqk0hsa7s select ename from emp where em 2 1 1 pno = :empno SQL> SELECT sql_id,sql_text,loads,child_number,parse_calls FROM v$sql WHERE sql_text LIKE '%:empno'; SQL_ID SQL_TEXT LOADS CHILD_NUMBER PARSE_CALLS -------------------- ------------------------------ ---------- ------------ ----------- f6r0kqk0hsa7s select ename from emp where em 1 0 2 pno = :empno SQL>
1. 建立一张表
SQL> create table t(id int,text varchar2(100)); Table created.
2. 不使用绑定变量向表中插入10000行记录
SQL> set timing on SQL> declare begin for i in 1 .. 10000 loop execute immediate 'insert into t values('||i||',''test bind variable'')'; end loop; commit; end; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Elapsed: 00:00:06.43
SQL> set pause on SQL> SELECT sql_text, sql_id, EXECUTIONS, LOADS, VERSION_COUNT FROM v$sqlarea WHERE sql_text LIKE 'insert into t%'; SQL_TEXT SQL_ID EXECUTIONS LOADS VERSION_COUNT ------------------------------ -------------------- ---------- ---------- ------------- insert into t values(9156,'tes ah7vdgtnj80b1 1 1 1 t bind variable') insert into t values(8826,'tes 7yuz09vq9h0c4 1 1 1 t bind variable') insert into t values(9905,'tes 97c7m0gxj80cv 1 1 1 t bind variable') insert into t values(9396,'tes 9bvtw8y7080g5 1 1 1 t bind variable') SQL_TEXT SQL_ID EXECUTIONS LOADS VERSION_COUNT ------------------------------ -------------------- ---------- ---------- ------------- insert into t values(9034,'tes ck51y8bu1c0jr 1 1 1 t bind variable') insert into t values(9153,'tes 7cxb26zpcn0q9 1 1 1 t bind variable') insert into t values(9783,'tes 7236x7yva40sq 1 1 1 t bind variable') insert into t values(9491,'tes cn2n05f70810f 1 1 1
3. 使用绑定变量
SQL> set timing on SQL> declare begin for i in 1 .. 10000 loop execute immediate 'insert into t values(:x,''test bind variable'')' using i; end loop; commit; end; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Elapsed: 00:00:00.43
SQL> SELECT sql_text, sql_id, EXECUTIONS, LOADS, VERSION_COUNT FROM v$sqlarea WHERE sql_text LIKE 'insert into t%:x%'; SQL_TEXT SQL_ID EXECUTIONS LOADS VERSION_COUNT ------------------------------ -------------------- ---------- ---------- ------------- insert into t values(:x,'test 0nhbks92x50kk 10000 1 1 bind variable')
SQL> show parameter cursor_sharing NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------ ------------------- ------------------ cursor_sharing string EXACT
CURSOR_SHARING determines what kind of SQL statements can share the same cursors.
Allows the creation of a new cursor if sharing an existing cursor, or if the cursor plan is not optimal.SIMILAR
Causes statements that may differ in some literals, but are otherwise identical, to share a cursor, unless the literals affect either the meaning of the statement or the degree to which the plan is optimized.EXACT
Only allows statements with identical text to share the same cursor
1. 清空shared_pool
SQL> set pagesize 10000 SQL> set linesize 200 SQL> col SQL_TEXT for a50 SQL> col SQL_ID for 520 SQL> col SQL_ID for a20 SQL> alter system flush shared_pool; System altered. SQL> SELECT sql_text, sql_id, EXECUTIONS, LOADS, VERSION_COUNT FROM v$sqlarea WHERE sql_text LIKE 'insert into t%'; 2 3 4 5 6 7 no rows selected SQL>
2. 将cursor_sharing改为FORCE,执行查询
SQL> alter session set cursor_sharing=force; Session altered. Elapsed: 00:00:00.02 SQL> declare begin for i in 1 .. 10000 loop execute immediate 'insert into t values('||i||',''test bind variable'')'; end loop; commit; end; / 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Elapsed: 00:00:01.15
3. 查看游标情况
SQL> SELECT sql_text, sql_id, EXECUTIONS, LOADS, VERSION_COUNT FROM v$sqlarea WHERE sql_text LIKE 'insert into t%'; no rows selected SQL> / SQL_TEXT SQL_ID EXECUTIONS LOADS VERSION_COUNT -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ------------- insert into t values(9966,'test bind variable') 07xgdm0uwn5gb 1 3 1 insert into t values(10000,'test bind variable') 76rf2hx2w45m1 1 3 1 insert into t values(9969,'test bind variable') bfayz4q1j4b37 1 3 1 insert into t values(9984,'test bind variable') 48t1dy0tahgxh 1 3 1 insert into t values(9998,'test bind variable') 04bhmfjq8hhtu 1 3 1 insert into t values(9967,'test bind variable') 0njsupf834kn0 1 3 1 insert into t values(9999,'test bind variable') 6uhdudx8k4rv3 1 3 1 insert into t values(9975,'test bind variable') 0tqj0jcamsspu 1 3 1 insert into t values(9957,'test bind variable') a6as35h3wwu00 1 3 1 insert into t values(9970,'test bind variable') 58m581pqq8v4j 1 3 1 insert into t values(9982,'test bind variable') 3gh2q9f2wnxr8 1 3 1 insert into t values(9977,'test bind variable') 1t0t0jz9y0zg9 1 3 1 insert into t values(9988,'test bind variable') 111vappsrszy7 1 3 1 insert into t values(9994,'test bind variable') 8kvjy7tns10vq 1 3 1 insert into t values(9963,'test bind variable') c1w951tadx4tb 1 3 1 insert into t values(9993,'test bind variable') 10h2mbxvtt9tm 1 3 1 insert into t values(9981,'test bind variable') gv77ng7kndhty 1 3 1 insert into t values(9978,'test bind variable') 0v7773365tj70 1 3 1 insert into t values(9974,'test bind variable') astu71gzn1uw5 1 3 1 insert into t values(9960,'test bind variable') 09d0bxcsndxzm 1 3 1 insert into t values(9959,'test bind variable') 7ht6qzyy0jz5w 1 3 1 insert into t values(9965,'test bind variable') dgz4fbhzgpzh5 1 3 1 insert into t values(9989,'test bind variable') 3srf852y19zx6 1 3 1 insert into t values(9995,'test bind variable') 1r6tp423v613x 1 3 1 insert into t values(9976,'test bind variable') 9vxdayk3yq1nn 1 3 1 insert into t values(9958,'test bind variable') 9ptg2jd30k6d8 1 3 1 insert into t values(9968,'test bind variable') akt2u5gn1y9kp 1 3 1 insert into t values(×××,'test bind variable') ch5rx2b3ja9x8 1 3 1 insert into t values(9962,'test bind variable') a2p68fsk6abwz 1 3 1 insert into t values(9997,'test bind variable') f0474tah8ubzq 1 3 1 insert into t values(9972,'test bind variable') gzqpvbrsn6ggk 1 3 1 insert into t values(9983,'test bind variable') ah9r6ghzsugmp 1 3 1 insert into t values(9979,'test bind variable') 2cvqu9h5wagva 1 3 1 insert into t values(9996,'test bind variable') 3h90mc46sqmzr 1 3 1 insert into t values(9961,'test bind variable') 7t8njvfx8fn4y 1 3 1 insert into t values(9987,'test bind variable') 1qxhj0g7cuw8u 1 3 1 insert into t values(9991,'test bind variable') 5n2jahrk5z258 1 3 1 insert into t values(:"SYS_B_0",:"SYS_B_1") 950r47takm3c4 9953 1 1 insert into t values(9971,'test bind variable') fyb5pvjuqz4d0 1 3 1 insert into t values(9955,'test bind variable') 1adu3pctt76bp 1 3 1 insert into t values(9990,'test bind variable') 62pp4zqc9r767 1 3 1 insert into t values(9973,'test bind variable') adb60k3nxr9mk 1 3 1 insert into t values(9985,'test bind variable') gz4hry47rzhvt 1 3 1 insert into t values(9986,'test bind variable') b54fdtcu47v0d 1 3 1 insert into t values(9980,'test bind variable') fvwh53nh7zvhk 1 3 1 insert into t values(9956,'test bind variable') 1vcjq6rm9gx72 1 3 1 insert into t values(9964,'test bind variable') a06un7tf1rxgu 1 3 1 insert into t values(9954,'test bind variable') 0nb4synx6bxqv 1 3 1 48 rows selected. SQL>
4. 再次清空shared_pool
SQL> alter system flush shared_pool; System altered.
5. 将cursor_sharing改为SIMILAR,执行查询
SQL> alter session set cursor_sharing=similar; Session altered. Elapsed: 00:00:00.03 SQL> declare begin for i in 1 .. 10000 loop execute immediate 'insert into t values('||i||',''test bind variable'')'; end loop; commit; end; / 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Elapsed: 00:00:01.14
5. 查看共享游标
SQL> SELECT sql_text, sql_id, EXECUTIONS, LOADS, VERSION_COUNT FROM v$sqlarea WHERE sql_text LIKE 'insert into t%'; 2 3 4 5 6 7 SQL_TEXT SQL_ID EXECUTIONS LOADS VERSION_COUNT -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ------------- insert into t values(9966,'test bind variable') 07xgdm0uwn5gb 1 4 1 insert into t values(10000,'test bind variable') 76rf2hx2w45m1 1 4 1 insert into t values(9969,'test bind variable') bfayz4q1j4b37 1 4 1 insert into t values(9984,'test bind variable') 48t1dy0tahgxh 1 4 1 insert into t values(9998,'test bind variable') 04bhmfjq8hhtu 1 4 1 insert into t values(9967,'test bind variable') 0njsupf834kn0 1 4 1 insert into t values(9999,'test bind variable') 6uhdudx8k4rv3 1 4 1 insert into t values(9975,'test bind variable') 0tqj0jcamsspu 1 4 1 insert into t values(9957,'test bind variable') a6as35h3wwu00 1 4 1 insert into t values(9970,'test bind variable') 58m581pqq8v4j 1 4 1 insert into t values(9982,'test bind variable') 3gh2q9f2wnxr8 1 4 1 insert into t values(9977,'test bind variable') 1t0t0jz9y0zg9 1 4 1 insert into t values(9988,'test bind variable') 111vappsrszy7 1 4 1 insert into t values(9994,'test bind variable') 8kvjy7tns10vq 1 4 1 insert into t values(9963,'test bind variable') c1w951tadx4tb 1 4 1 insert into t values(9993,'test bind variable') 10h2mbxvtt9tm 1 4 1 insert into t values(9981,'test bind variable') gv77ng7kndhty 1 4 1 insert into t values(9978,'test bind variable') 0v7773365tj70 1 4 1 insert into t values(9974,'test bind variable') astu71gzn1uw5 1 4 1 insert into t values(9960,'test bind variable') 09d0bxcsndxzm 1 4 1 insert into t values(9959,'test bind variable') 7ht6qzyy0jz5w 1 4 1 insert into t values(9965,'test bind variable') dgz4fbhzgpzh5 1 4 1 insert into t values(9989,'test bind variable') 3srf852y19zx6 1 4 1 insert into t values(9995,'test bind variable') 1r6tp423v613x 1 4 1 insert into t values(9976,'test bind variable') 9vxdayk3yq1nn 1 4 1 insert into t values(9958,'test bind variable') 9ptg2jd30k6d8 1 4 1 insert into t values(9968,'test bind variable') akt2u5gn1y9kp 1 4 1 insert into t values(×××,'test bind variable') ch5rx2b3ja9x8 1 4 1 insert into t values(9962,'test bind variable') a2p68fsk6abwz 1 4 1 insert into t values(9997,'test bind variable') f0474tah8ubzq 1 4 1 insert into t values(9972,'test bind variable') gzqpvbrsn6ggk 1 4 1 insert into t values(9983,'test bind variable') ah9r6ghzsugmp 1 4 1 insert into t values(9979,'test bind variable') 2cvqu9h5wagva 1 4 1 insert into t values(9996,'test bind variable') 3h90mc46sqmzr 1 4 1 insert into t values(9961,'test bind variable') 7t8njvfx8fn4y 1 4 1 insert into t values(9987,'test bind variable') 1qxhj0g7cuw8u 1 4 1 insert into t values(9991,'test bind variable') 5n2jahrk5z258 1 4 1 insert into t values(:"SYS_B_0",:"SYS_B_1") 950r47takm3c4 9953 1 1 insert into t values(9971,'test bind variable') fyb5pvjuqz4d0 1 4 1 insert into t values(9955,'test bind variable') 1adu3pctt76bp 1 4 1 insert into t values(9990,'test bind variable') 62pp4zqc9r767 1 4 1 insert into t values(9973,'test bind variable') adb60k3nxr9mk 1 4 1 insert into t values(9985,'test bind variable') gz4hry47rzhvt 1 4 1 insert into t values(9986,'test bind variable') b54fdtcu47v0d 1 4 1 insert into t values(9980,'test bind variable') fvwh53nh7zvhk 1 4 1 insert into t values(9956,'test bind variable') 1vcjq6rm9gx72 1 4 1 insert into t values(9964,'test bind variable') a06un7tf1rxgu 1 4 1 insert into t values(9954,'test bind variable') 0nb4synx6bxqv 1 4 1 48 rows selected.
这两种方法都不推荐使用,有bug 。建议规范前台业务查询,尽量使用绑定变量。