

The book, in mine life, occupied the very great proportion, the book,is I lives indispensable, studied, lets me touch the book pleasure,also smell the book fragrance. Some two books let under my tear - "Childhood" this work leaves and the Russian writer Gorky'swriting. Narrates is the Gorky childhood mourning father, the motherremarries, the childhood time which he follows which the temperamentto be hot tempered, to decline day after day the young dye house hostgrandfather grandmother lives. This book through a child's free ofevil intention judgement, vividly had demonstrated to the reader in19th century the leaf Russia society first floor character's life,described many social petty bourgeoises ugly and the ignorant lifestyle as well as at that time common social practice folk custom andso on Russia's religion, funeral. Gorky's these recollections, ishelpful to us understood czarist government that time the style,understands when a generation of literature master Gorky childhoodsocial environment. Had reflected the petty bourgeois social stratumvulgar selfish and void was bored, has exposed the Tsarist Russiadespotic darkness and the evil, is regarded as the Russia Sovietautobiography body novel the milestone and the critical realismliterature great achievement. Reads is reading, in my eye is dodgingthe tear. "' Kneels down! Is called you not to be obedient, I must hityou today not to be possible... ... ' In the grandfather hand istaking a wicker, I feared... ... " "The bang -" this day, I am reading"Childhood" in the home, is reading this section, outside suddenwindow dark cloud densely covered, the lightning flash is thunderous,strong winds writings. "I am hit all under the bed, the whole bodyhurt, fainted the past... ... " By now, outside the window the windand rain occurred simultaneously, more than 1 meter high seedlings areblown down by the strong winds... ... "What is the childhood? Was has been in full bloom in the past freshflower? Is rosy cloud which the day angle flutters passes? Wasyesterday duplicate yesterday overlapping with builds? Is keeps in theyear whereabouts the attachment and is sad? ... ... " The childhood,is a wonderful mysterious thing, the serious graciousness as soon asmentions his joyful childhood, in the heart also should have a sweettaste. But Gorky in one kind under the environment which makes onesuffocate, passed own childhood. 20th century, US has a renowned feminine - Helen keller. When her twoyears old, because falls ill, does not listen to the sound, blindthing, also cannot speak. On has been spoiled since childhood by thefamily in, everybody must come along with her, the stranger bumps doesnot have she, therefore, she becomes a young tyrant. Until her 7 yearold of that year, is called Anne 20 year old girl to arrive in Helen'slife. After Anne to Helen more than 20 years education and raise. 26year-old Helen already is a slim and graceful young girl, the bigwriter which the talent overflows, when is a lecture (16 years old,already returned speaks), in was not the same year small wild animal.The ocean-going ship is a miracle, the life has created very manyworks. Anne has not wasted the plans, educates a century immortalrare and beautiful flowers - ocean-going ship caller. "Dark will cause the person even more to treasure the light, lonelywill cause the person even more to like the sound." "The love is doesnot trace, but can feel she brings happiness." Thereupon, thisocean-going ship caller autobiography - "If for Me Three Days Light",then forever collects in my heart, it causes me once for a whileexcited to burst into tears. The ocean-going ship caller the peoplewhich these that many difficulty has not needed to overcome for us,on has never been able to forget a class. The book, looks like a noble person, like you converse daily with it,then in your brain accumulates more and more many glossaries. caller had said a famous saying, a book likes a ship, leads us from thenarrow place, sails to the life the infinite broad sea. Regardingthis, I also have the same feeling. The book, is the spiritual grain.




The brush outlines a beautiful pattern, brush strokes becoming lighter


The peony on the bottle, simplest beauty, just like you


Whiffs of incense smoke bring your troubles to my heart


I pause halfway while painting


The glazing of the lady’s portrait hides her charm


Your smile, to me, like a budding flower

你的美一缕飘散 去到我去不了的地方

But your beauty dissipates like smoke, to a place I can never reach

#天青色等烟雨 而我在等你

The perfect shade of blue awaits the right weather, like how I wait for you

炊烟袅袅升起 隔江千万里

From a thousand miles away, I gaze at the curling chimney smoke


The calligraphy beneath the bottle, elegance of the Han Dynasty


Our meeting I foreshadowed

*天青色等烟雨 而我在等你

The perfect shade of blue awaits the right weather, like how I wait for you

月色被打捞起 晕开了结局

The moonlight smudged away the remnants of our ending

如传世的青花瓷自顾自美丽 你眼带笑意

Like legendary porcelain obsessed with itself, your eyes full of laughter


Those blue carp seem to come alive on the white bowl


While I am imitating the Song inscription I’m thinking of you


The eon of secrets you buried in the kiln


It’s exquisiteness like an embroidery needle


The banana tree outside brought the sudden downpour, and in turn the copper rust on the door handle


My passing by Jiangnan brings me to you

在泼墨山水画 里 你从墨色深处被隐去

Yet you fade away into the deep abyss of the Chinese painting

Flutter 集成第三方蓝牙库踩坑记录


这是库的地址 PhilipsHue/flutter_reactive_ble: Flutter library that handles BLE operations for multiple devices. (github.com)


集成之后,编译出错,提示Swift Compiler Error。



(2) 没办法,我这边手动修改三方库的源码文件,进行修复。重新编译成功。


flutter 蓝牙ble(blue tooth),同时连接多台/多个设备


flutter_blue 适合于单台的蓝牙设备,使用起来简单

flutter_reactive_ble 适合于单台的蓝牙设备,多台蓝牙设备也可以用

flutter_ble_lib 适合于单台的蓝牙设备,多台蓝牙设备也可以用,可以在模拟器上进行调试蓝牙








每连接成功一个设备后,就会产生一个_connectionStreamSubscription,对应设备的断开,就用对应的StreamSubscription去断开, 可以用一个HashMap,去记录 连接成功的设备 与 StreamSubscription 的对应关系

去扫描服务,并过滤服务,扫描结果服务里面是包含有特征的数组,如: serviceId:[fff0,fff1,fff2,fff3,...]

去监听上报来的数据,参数来自前面扫描到的结果serviceId--服务ID, characteristicId--特征ID,deviceId--设备ID




flutter 多台蓝牙设备同时连接的分享就到这里喽,小伴们,觉得有点用的话,或者已经看到这里面来的请点个赞吧~~ 后续分享更多有关flutter的文章。如果有疑问的话,请在下方留言~






由英国女作家海伦·碧翠斯·波特(Helen Beatrix Potter)创作的比得兔系列是全世界最受欢迎的童书作品之一,100多年一直畅销不衰,为上亿的人留下了美好的童年回忆。很难想象,比得兔这么一个暖心而又纯真的IP居然会和打坦克扯上关系,可偏就有人进行了如此魔性的二次创作。

《坦克杀手比得兔》最早出现于1988年的一本杂志上,作者究竟何许人也已经不可考。这本“小童书”被伪装成波特女士与丹麦作家斯文·哈瑟尔(Sven Hassel)的合作产物——斯文·哈瑟尔真名叫伯格·威利·雷德斯蒂德·佩德森(Børge Willy Redsted Pedersen),是个丹麦人,二战期间曾在德国国防军服役。战争结束后,他曾经出版过许多二战题材的小说,可能是继安徒生之后书籍总销量排行第二的丹麦作家。事实上,波特早在1943年就去世了,而斯文·哈瑟尔的处女作直到1953年才出版,时间线根本就对不上。




Once upon a time, there were four rabbits,Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and Peter. They lived with their mother, Old Mrs.Rabbit, in a warren which looked – to the unaccustomed eye – rather like the lice infested trenches of World War I.


One day Peter’s mother said “I am going to market to sell my mittens. You may play in the woods if you wish but, Peter,you and your naughty cousin Benjamin Bunny are not to antagonise Mr. McGregornor blow up any Panzer tanks today”, and with that, she left in a swish-swash-swish of rustling skirts.



But oh! That Peter was a naughty rabbit! No sooner had his mother left than he had dressed for combat and hopped down tothe end of the lane to rendezvous with his cousin Benjamin. As the two youngrabbits exchanged their fulsome greetings, they suddenly became aware of amighty a-clinking and a-clanking coming up the road! Their little hearts a-flutter, they peered judiciously around the corner.


And what do you think the two naughty young rabbits saw when they peeped out?


Mr. McGregor in a MkII Tiger tank with a transversable 88mm howitzer and two forward mounted 7.62mm machineguns!


“Be quick and fetch the Panzerfaust anti-tank gun from Tom Kitten!” whispered Benjamin. So Peter went lipperty-lipperty all the way to Tom Kitten’s house.


“Quick!” Peter implored him. “Lend me your Panzerfaust, for Mr. McGregor has a Tiger tank and will surely blast us allinto bloody shards of flesh, bone and sinewy pulp if we are not careful, if weare not most circumspect!”


Tom Kitten gave Peter his anti-tank gun willingly for Mr. McGregor had scolded him once. But by the time Peter had returned to his cousin, Mr. McGregor had driven up the road and opened fire on Jemima Puddleduck, killing her instantly.


“Thank goodness you were not the least tardy!” cried Benjamin, as the turret of Mr. McGregor’s tank slowly turned towards the humble abode of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle.


“Waste the fucker!”


Peter steadied the Bazooka on his shoulder and squinted one beady little rabbit eye down the sights.


Now, rabbits eat lots of carrots and every child knows that carrots do your eyesight a power of good, so of course Peter did not miss.


Whooomph! Ka-Woooommmbbbb! The AP shell from the Panzerfaust slammed square into the cowling of the Tiger’s twin bank Mayback HL 700hp engines, sending fuel cascading everywhere!


“Take that for putting my father in a pie,you four-eyed Scottish bastard!” exalted Peter and gave a little rabbity hopfor joy.


But oh dear! Mr. McGregor was trapped in the hatch of his burning Panzer tank and he was a-hollering and a-screaming fit to burst!


“Kill me, please!” he requested of the rabbits. “For I am trapped and sorely afraid that I shall slowly burn to death from the legs upwards!”


Benjamin Bunny raised his Schmeisser and pumped a full magazine into the distressed Mr. McGregor’s head, thereby solving the pretty little pickle they had found themselves in!


All of a sudden, another hatch opened who should fly out but Mr. McGregor’s cat! Now Benjamin’s father had no opinion whatsoever of cats, but Benjamin was shit-scared of them and would have most surely voided himself in his attire had not the cat been one huge ball of flame and surely demising.


When Mr. McGregor’s cat rattled and laystill, the two little rabbits exchanged salutes and promised to meet again next Thursday and then hurried back to their respective domiciles.


Oh dear! Old Mrs. Rabbit was distraught in the extreme when she learned what her naughty son had been about.


“How many times have I told you about blowing up tanks!” she chided. “You are a naughty, wicked rabbit!”


Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail who had notassaulted any armoured vehicles were rewarded with fresh lettuce and carrots and radishes, but Peter was sent to bed without any supper.


But then, who wants to eat that rabbit foodshit anyway?

