RMAN diagnostic 信息收集 [ID 1337285.1] 适用于: Oracle Server - Personal Edition - Version: to - Release: 10.1 to 11.2适用于任何平台. The following script is executed within RMAN. If you are using an RMAN recovery catalog please also make a connection to the catalog. rman_diagnostics.out 文件的默认路径 :/tmp 1) Unix 环境, 设置以下环境变量: $ export NLS_DATE_FORMAT='DD MON YYYY HH24:MI:SS' 2) 在RMAN命令行中运行以下脚本: a) 数据库的小数目的数据文件或备份策略用以下脚本 spool trace to '/tmp/rman_diag_long.out'; show all; list incarnation of database; list backup summary; report schema; list backup of database; list copy of database; spool trace off; b) 大量的数据文件中使用以下脚本来查看某一个数据文件的备份信息 spool trace to '/tmp/rman_diag_short.out'; show all; list incarnation of database; list backup summary; report schema; list backup of datafile 1; list copy of datafile 1; spool trace off;