class Person(CreationModificationDateMixin):
| created | datetime(6) | NO | | NULL | | | modified | datetime(6) | YES | | NULL | | |
#加入url MinIn
class Person(UrlMixin):
class Person(MetaTagsMixin):
| meta_keywords | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | | | meta_description | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | | | meta_author | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | | | meta_copyright | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | | |
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import urlparse from django.conf import settings from django.utils.timezone import now as timezone_now from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from django.template.defaultfilters import escape from django.db import models from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericForeignKey from django.core.exceptions import FieldError ### See recipe "Model mixin with URL-related methods" class UrlMixin(models.Model): """ A replacement for get_absolute_url() Models extending this mixin should have either get_url or get_url_path implemented. """ class Meta: abstract = True def get_url(self): if hasattr(self.get_url_path, "dont_recurse"): raise NotImplementedError try: path = self.get_url_path() except NotImplementedError: raise website_url = getattr(settings, "DEFAULT_WEBSITE_URL", "") return website_url + path get_url.dont_recurse = True def get_url_path(self): if hasattr(self.get_url, "dont_recurse"): raise NotImplementedError try: url = self.get_url() except NotImplementedError: raise bits = urlparse.urlparse(url) return urlparse.urlunparse(("", "") + bits[2:]) get_url_path.dont_recurse = True def get_absolute_url(self): return self.get_url_path() ### See recipe "Model mixin handling creation and modification dates" class CreationModificationDateMixin(models.Model): """ Abstract base class with a creation and modification date and time """ created = models.DateTimeField( _("creation date and time"), editable=False, ) modified = models.DateTimeField( _("modification date and time"), null=True, editable=False, ) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.created = timezone_now() else: # To ensure that we have a creation data always, we add this one if not self.created: self.created = timezone_now() self.modified = timezone_now() super(CreationModificationDateMixin, self).save(*args, **kwargs) save.alters_data = True class Meta: abstract = True ### See recipe "Model mixin taking care of meta tags" class MetaTagsMixin(models.Model): """ Abstract base class for meta tags in the section """ meta_keywords = models.CharField( _("Keywords"), max_length=255, blank=True, help_text=_("Separate keywords by comma."), ) meta_description = models.CharField( _("Description"), max_length=255, blank=True, ) meta_author = models.CharField( _("Author"), max_length=255, blank=True, ) meta_copyright = models.CharField( _("Copyright"), max_length=255, blank=True, ) class Meta: abstract = True def get_meta_keywords(self): meta_tag = "" if self.meta_keywords: meta_tag = """\n""" % escape(self.meta_keywords) return mark_safe(meta_tag) def get_meta_description(self): meta_tag = "" if self.meta_description: meta_tag = """\n""" % escape(self.meta_description) return mark_safe(meta_tag) def get_meta_author(self): meta_tag = "" if self.meta_author: meta_tag = """\n""" % escape(self.meta_author) return mark_safe(meta_tag) def get_meta_copyright(self): meta_tag = "" if self.meta_copyright: meta_tag = """\n""" % escape(self.meta_copyright) return mark_safe(meta_tag) def get_meta_tags(self): return mark_safe("".join(( self.get_meta_keywords(), self.get_meta_description(), self.get_meta_author(), self.get_meta_copyright(), ))) ### See recipe "Model mixin handling generic relations" def object_relation_mixin_factory( prefix=None, prefix_verbose=None, add_related_name=False, limit_content_type_choices_to={}, limit_object_choices_to={}, is_required=False, ): """ returns a mixin class for generic foreign keys using "Content type - object Id" with dynamic field names. This function is just a class generator Parameters: prefix : a prefix, which is added in front of the fields prefix_verbose : a verbose name of the prefix, used to generate a title for the field column of the content object in the Admin. add_related_name : a boolean value indicating, that a related name for the generated content type foreign key should be added. This value should be true, if you use more than one ObjectRelationMixin in your model. The model fields are created like this: <>_content_type : Field name for the "content type" < >_object_id : Field name for the "object Id" < >_content_object : Field name for the "content object" """ p = "" if prefix: p = "%s_" % prefix content_type_field = "%scontent_type" % p object_id_field = "%sobject_id" % p content_object_field = "%scontent_object" % p class TheClass(models.Model): class Meta: abstract = True if add_related_name: if not prefix: raise FieldError("if add_related_name is set to True, a prefix must be given") related_name = prefix else: related_name = None optional = not is_required ct_verbose_name = ( _("%s's type (model)") % prefix_verbose if prefix_verbose else _("Related object's type (model)") ) content_type = models.ForeignKey( ContentType, verbose_name=ct_verbose_name, related_name=related_name, blank=optional, null=optional, help_text=_("Please select the type (model) for the relation, you want to build."), limit_choices_to=limit_content_type_choices_to, ) fk_verbose_name = (prefix_verbose or _("Related object")) object_id = models.CharField( fk_verbose_name, blank=optional, null=False, help_text=_("Please enter the ID of the related object."), max_length=255, default="", # for south migrations ) object_id.limit_choices_to = limit_object_choices_to # can be retrieved by MyModel._meta.get_field("object_id").limit_choices_to content_object = GenericForeignKey( ct_field=content_type_field, fk_field=object_id_field, ) TheClass.add_to_class(content_type_field, content_type) TheClass.add_to_class(object_id_field, object_id) TheClass.add_to_class(content_object_field, content_object) return TheClass