


The word "advertising" is a loan word, its etymology from Latin advertere, meaning "arouse the public attention to mething", after the evolution of "advertising" (Advertise) in English, contains a "notice", "induction", "disclosure" means. Until the th century, the early th century, Britain began to largescalemercial activities, widespread use of the word "advertising". Like the one at this time, Advertising does not refer to a single, but a series of Advertising campaigns, evolve by the stillness of the advertisement Advertise for Advertising campaign Advertising, this is the meaning of modern Advertising. In Chinese, "advertising" "wide" is "rich", "general", "to" namely "tell". Advertising is advertising, that is, ads tell the public about mething. At home and abroad for the definition of "advertising" is very much, is still not a unified, accepted. The asciation of American sales of advertising is defined as "the characteristics of advertisers, in the form of a certain price for ideas, goods or services between the pernal introduction and promotion." For the definition of the American asciation of advertising in advertising: advertising is paid mass media, the ultimate goal is to transfer information, change people's attitude toward advertising goods cause its action and make the advertisers benefit. The advertising at the university of Illinois Watn. Profesr dunn in his masterpiece "advertising andmercial" put forward: "advertising is by enterprises, nonprofit anizations or advertising content has a certain relationship of people to pay, they impernal publicity through various media, want to notice or persuade a part of the crowd." The concise British encyclopedia "on the definition of advertising is: advertising is a way of passing information, the purpose is to sell goods, services, influence public opinion, gain political support, to promote a business, or cause other published readers want to reflect. Our country as the example defines advertising as: advertising is introduced to the public goods, service content and cultural programs, such as a way of publicity.


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3、求英语翻译啊~~~英译汉 ~关于市场营销方面的~~!!!在线翻译就免了~~~!!!!!

手工翻译1 Good marketing is no accident, but a result of careful planning and execution.1. 好的营销绝非偶然,而是精心计划和执行的结果。2 Marketing is both an art and a science there is constant tension between the formulated side and the creative side.2. 营销既是一门艺术,也是一门科学 在公式化与创造力之间始终存在拉力/平衡/博弈。3 Firms must stick to a strategy, but must al find new ways to constantly improve it.3. 应当坚持一种战略,但也应不停寻找完善它的方式。4 A customer is the most important pern ever in our office, whether in pern or by mail.4. 顾客是我们办公室最重要的人,不管是本人还是他的邮件。5 Marketing is the art of attracting and keeping profitable customers.5. 营销是吸引和留住可盈利客户的艺术。6 The aim of marketing is to meet and satisfy target customers ‘need and wants betterpetitors.6. 营销的目的是比竞争对手更好地达到和满足目标客户的欲望和需。7 You can fool me of the people all the time, and all of the people me of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all the time. 7. 你可以一直欺骗某些人,也可以在某些时间欺骗所有人,但你不可能一直欺骗所有人。1 成功的市场运作决非偶然,而是周密的计划和操作的结果。2 营销是一门艺术同时也是一门科学——在理论和创新之间是有门道可循的。3 必须坚持一个策略不变,但也必须找到新的方法来改善它。4 顾客即上帝,无论本人来们或寄邮件给我们。5 营销是一门吸引新顾客和赢得回头客的艺术。6 营销的宗旨是的宗旨是迎合和去满足你的产品的目标消费人群,一个成功的企业应需要更强的竞争对手。7 你可以一直蒙少数人,甚至是蒙全部人一段时期,但是你不可能永远蒙所有的人。1畅销并非偶然,而是精心策划和执行的结果。2营销是一门艺术和科学,是有关系的制定方面和创意方面恒张力。3企业必须坚持的战略,但也必须找到新的方式不断改进。4任何一个客户在我们的办公室中都是最重要的人,无论是本人还是邮件。5营销是吸引人才,留住有价值的客户的艺术。6目的是满足市场,满足目标客户的需,并希望有更强悍的竞争者。7你可以愚弄一些人所有的时间,和所有的人在某些时候,但你不能永远欺骗所有的人。科幻小说能给我们很多有关于科学进步的启示,它告诉我们科学是怎样改变我们的生活,帮助我们思考如何改变我们未来的生活。然而(这里翻译成同时更好),科幻小说也能警示我们使用现代科学技术伴随的风险,是精心策划和执行计划的结果。——在模式化的创造性之间总是存在一种持久的活力。,也必须不断的找到新的方法来改进这个策略。,无论亲自上门还是Email。。。,你也可以愚弄一些人一时,但你不可能一直愚弄着所有的人。(我敢保证我比楼上都准确)根据我的实际操作经验翻译如下:(1)良好的营销绝不是偶然办到的,而是细心规划和执行的结果。(2)营销既是一门艺术也是一门科学,在传统模式和创新之间要保持平衡。(3)要坚持一种营销战略,但必须也要开拓新的思路去不断改进这种战略。(4)客户是我们日常办公中最重要的人,不管是亲自来访过的还是通过邮件的。(5)营销就是吸引和维护有价值客户的艺术。(6)营销的目标就是结识和满足客户的需要,并在激烈的竞争中不断成长。(7)你可以一直欺骗一些客人,或者有时欺骗所有的客人,但你不可能任何时候欺骗所有的客人。备注:这种翻译只能意译,如果逐字翻译会很呆板并失去英文的内涵。
