
ef-a fairy tale of the two 广播剧全集



(2)[EAC](ドラマCD)ef.-.a.fairy.tale.of.the.two.冬スペ.雨宫优子の赠りもの[080101][071228(C73)] (tta.cue.jpg).rar

(3)[EAC][071024] ef - a tale of memories. OPENING THEME euphoric field feat.ELISA(tta_cue_jpg_rr3).rar

(4)[EAC][080411] emotional flutter (ef - the latter tale. OP+EDテーマ)(tta_cue_jpg rr3).rar

(5)[EAC][080926]ef - a tale of memories. ENDING THEME 悠久の翼 07.mix / euphoric field live.mix (tta_cue_5jpg_rr3).rar

(6)[EAC][081105] ef - a tale of melodies. ENDING THEME Fermata by Mizuki Hayama (tta_cue_6jpg_rr3).rar

(7)[EAC][081105]「ef - a tale of melodies」OP - ebullient future/ ELISA(tta+cue+jpg rr3).rar

(8)[EAC][081126] ef - a tale of melodies. ENDING THEME Fine by Yuko Amamiya (tta_cue_6jpg_rr3).rar

(9) ef - a fairy tale of the two THE MAIN THEME SONG - 悠久の翼[原田ひとみ](ape_cue_jpg).rar

(10)ef - a fairy tale of the two ドラマCD vol.1 「みやこの意外な弱点?」.rar

(11)ef - a fairy tale of the two ドラマCD vol.2 「景のラブレター」.rar

(12)ef - a fairy tale of the two ドラマCD vol.3 「千寻がいなくなる日」(tta_cue_booklet).rar

(13)ef - the latter tale ソフマップ特典 音羽の夏、お祭りの夜(tak_cue_png).rar

(14)ef - a fairy tale of the two ドラマCD vol.4 「ミズキの时代剧」(tta_cue_booklet).rar

(15)ef - a fairy tale of the two. - ドラマCD SP1「新堂凪への手纸」(tta_cue).rar

(16)ef - the latter tale. オリジナルドラマ ~久瀬と千寻の大冒険?~(tak_cue_png).rar

(17)ef -a fairy tale of the two.- ドラマCD 夏スペ 「名探侦みやみや」温泉旅情デスペラード编(tak_incue).rar

(18)ef -a fairy tale of the two.- ドラマCD Vol.02「真夏の锅パーティー」(tta_cue).rar

(19)ef -a fairy tale of the two.- ドラマCD Vol.03 久瀬修一を探せ!?(tak_incue).rar

(20)[080101][080104](ドラマCD).[minori].A HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2008.(tta.cue).rar

(21)[EAC] [080411] [minori] emotional flutter THE MAIN THEME SONG OF “ef - the latter tale” (tak+inCue+png rr3).rar

(22)[EAC] [080530] [minori] ef - the latter tale. GAMERS特典 (tak+cue_png).rar

(23)[EAC] ef -a fairy tale of the two.- ドラマCD DX1 「夕と优子の幸せな冬」 [081127] (takInCue).rar



(26)[EAC](シングル)ef - a tale of memories./ENDING THEME 1「Adagio by Miyako Miyamura」(tta_cue_rr3).rar

(27)[EAC](シングル)ef - a tale of memories./ENDING THEME 2「Vivace by Kei Shindou」(tta_cue_booklet_rr3).rar

(28)[EAC](シングル)ef - a tale of memories./ENDING THEME 3「Andante by Chihiro


Flutter Bloc实现原理

1、继承SingleChildStatelessWidget,就是一个widget,通过create 传入一个Bloc对象


其中onCounterEvent((event, emit)为初始化创建_eventController监听





1、 BlocBuilder继承自BlocBuilderBase,_BlocBuilderBaseState中build方法返回的是BlocListener



Rabindranath Tagore's literary reputation is disproportionately influenced by regard for his poetry. This great Indian poet became Asia's first Nobel laureate when he won the 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature.

Today, I'd like to share a couple of his famous poems with you.



Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.

And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.

As a true master of poetry, Tagore deserved the prizes he got. We can feel a mystic touch by every word of him in this beautiful poem, as well as a deep insight of life and anerration of mind.

Here's another great work of him, and of course this one is about love.



The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover.

It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.

Tagore wrote a lot of poems on love in his life. Each of them was constructed with plain and simple words, but easily melt our heart when we read them out. His poems on love were a beautiful revolution, they made us cherish our feelings, and amazed by how different these feelings can make us.

