flutter短片,Flutter Demo
泰勒斯威夫特的歌,只记得歌词“...night is ...don’t you let it go”
歌名:Never Grow Up 歌手:Taylor Swift
所属专辑:Mother's Love: Mother's Day Songs
Your little hands wrapped around my finger
And it's so quiet in the world tonight
Your little eyelids flutter cause you're dreaming
So I tuck you in and turn on your favorite nightlight
To you everything's funny
You got nothing to regret
I'd give all I have honey
If you could stay like that
Oh darling don't you ever grow up don't you ever grow up
Just stay this little
Oh darling don't you ever grow up don't you ever grow up
It could stay this simple
I won't let nobody hurt you
Wont let no one break your heart
No one will desert you
Just try to never grow up
Never grow up
You're in the car on the way to the movies
And you're mortified your mama's dropping you off
At 14 there's just so much you can't do
And you can't wait to move out
Someday and call your own shots
But don't make her drop you off around the block
Remember she's getting older too
And don't lose the way that you dance
Around in your PJs getting ready for school
Oh darling don't you ever grow up don't you ever grow up
Just stay this little
Oh darling don't you ever grow up don't you ever grow up
It could stay this simple
No one's ever burned
Nothing's ever left you scarred
Even though you want to just try to never grow up
Take pictures in your mind of your childhood room
Memorize what is sounded like what your dad gets home
Remember the footsteps remember the words said
And all your little brother's favorite songs
I just realized everything I had is someday gonna be gone
So here I am in my new apartment
In a big city they just dropped me off
It's so much colder than I thought it would be
So I tuck myself in and turn my nightlight on
Wish I'd never grown up
I wish I'd never grown up
Oh I don't wanna grow up
Wish I'd never grown up
Could still be little
Oh I don't wanna grow up Wish I'd never grow up
It could still be simple
Oh darling don't you ever grow up don't you ever grow up
Just stay this little
Oh darling don't you ever grow up don't you ever grow up
It could stay this simple
Won't let nobody hurt you
Won't let no one break your heart
And even through you want to please try to never grow up
Oh Don't you ever grow up
Oh Just never grow up
《Never Grow Up》是美国当红乡村音乐女歌手Taylor Swift新专辑《Speak Now》中的一首歌,主要内容是Taylor对于成长的书写,或许是对自己过去的一部回忆录。
Zach Roerig 姓 名: Zach Roerig 生 日: 1984-2-22
美国俄亥俄州 星座: 双鱼座
作为演员 Zach Roerig的作品 (数量:8)
吸血鬼日记 "The Vampire Diaries" (2009)
Official Selection (2008)
高中校长暗杀事件/高中校长阴谋事件 Assassination of a High School President (2008)
Dear Me (2008)
Tie a Yellow Ribbon (2007)
Split Decision (2006)
The Prince (2006)
Flutter Kick (2005)
下面是我Google出来的~~天朝竟然把维基百科给和谐了~~~my gosh!!
Zachary George Roerig扎卡里乔治罗里格公司
5' 11" (1.80 m) 5'11“(1.80米)
Mini Biography小传
Zachary George Roerig was born in Montpelier, Ohio to Daniel and Andrea Roerig in 1985.扎卡里乔治罗里格公司出生于蒙彼利埃,俄亥俄州丹尼尔和Andrea罗里格公司于1985年。 He attended Montpelier High school where he played both football and was also a wrestler.他参加蒙彼利埃高中,他都发挥足球,同时也是摔跤选手。 While he was growing up, Zach worked for his dad and grandpa at Fackler Mounuments, a place where they make gravestones.虽然他的成长过程,扎克工作了他的父亲和法克勒Mounuments,一个地方,他们做爷爷的墓碑。 Zach also has a younger sister named Emily who was born in 1989.扎克也有一个妹妹叫艾米莉谁是1989年出生。 While Zach is technically bi-coastal, he will always consider New York his home.虽然扎克在技术上是双向沿海,他总是考虑纽约自己的家。
IMDb Mini Biography By: adam 渤iMDB迷你传者: 亚当
Was featured on MTV'S True Life: I'm getting my big break in a small segment for Alexandra Chando's piece.以为特色在MTV的真实生活:我得到了我的亚历山德拉Chando的一块小部分大突破。
Zach Roerig has astigmatism.扎克罗里格公司有散光。
View resume or jump to filmography as: Actor , Producer , Self查看恢复或跳转到片目为: 演员 , 制片人 , 自
Actor: 演员:
In Production 制作中
2010s 2010年代
2000s 2000年代
Strawberry Wine (2009) ( post-production ) .... 草莓酒 (2009)( 后期制作 ).... Jason杰森
"The Vampire Diaries" .... “吸血鬼日记” .... Matt Donovan (44 episodes, 2009-2011)马特多诺万(44集,2009-2011)
- Episode #2.11 (2011) TV episode .... Matt Donovan - 集#2.11 (2011年) 电视插曲 .... 马特多诺万
- Episode #2.12 (2011) TV episode .... Matt Donovan - 集#2.12 (2011年) 电视插曲 .... 马特多诺万
- Episode #2.13 (2011) TV episode .... Matt Donovan - 集#2.13 (2011年) 电视插曲 .... 马特多诺万
- Episode #2.14 (2011) TV episode .... Matt Donovan - 集#2.14 (2011年) 电视插曲 .... 马特多诺万
- Episode #2.15 (2011) TV episode .... Matt Donovan - 集#2.15 (2011年) 电视插曲 .... 马特多诺万
( 39 more ) ( 39个 )
"Friday Night Lights" .... “胜利之光” .... Cash (6 episodes, 2008-2009)现金(6集,2008-2009)
... ... aka "FNL" - USA (promotional abbreviation)又名“民族解放力量” -美国(促销缩写)
- Tomorrow Blues (2009) TV episode .... Cash - 明日蓝调 (2009) 电视短片 .... 现金
- Game of the Week (2008) TV episode .... Cash - 本周热门游戏 (2008) 电视短片 .... 现金
- New York, New York (2008) TV episode (uncredited) .... Cash - 纽约,纽约 (2008) 电视节目 (uncredited).... 现金
- It Ain't Easy Being JD McCoy (2008) TV episode (uncredited) .... Cash - 这是不容易第纳尔麦考伊 (2008) 电视节目 (uncredited).... 现金
- Every Rose Has Its Thorn (2008) TV episode .... Cash - 每朵玫瑰都有刺 (2008) 电视短片 .... 现金
( 1 more ) ( 一更 )
Official Selection (2008) .... 官方的选择 (2008).... The American Soldier美国士兵
Assassination of a High School President (2008) .... 刺杀总统的高中 (2008).... Matt Mullen马特马伦
... ... aka "The High School Conspiracy" - Europe (English title) (DVD title)又名“高中学的阴谋” -欧洲(英文名称)(DVD标题)
Dear Me (2008) .... 亲爱的我 (2008).... Adam亚当
"One Life to Live" .... “一个生命生存” .... Hunter / ...亨特/ ... (13 episodes, 2007) (13集,2007年)
- Episode #1.9993 (2007) TV episode .... Hunter - 集#1.9993 (2007年) 电视插曲 .... 亨特
- Episode #1.9992 (2007) TV episode .... Hunter - 集#1.9992 (2007年) 电视插曲 .... 亨特
- Episode #1.9991 (2007) TV episode .... Hunter - 集#1.9991 (2007年) 电视插曲 .... 亨特
- Episode #1.9981 (2007) TV episode .... Hunter - 集#1.9981 (2007年) 电视插曲 .... 亨特
- Episode #1.9980 (2007) TV episode .... Hunter - 集#1.9980 (2007年) 电视插曲 .... 亨特
( 8 more ) ( 8个 )
"As the World Turns" .... “作为世界化” .... Casey Hughes / ...凯西休斯/ ... (274 episodes, 2005-2007) (274集,2005-2007)
- Episode #1.13006 (2007) TV episode .... Casey Hughes - 集#1.13006 (2007) 电视节目 .... 凯西休斯
- Episode #1.13005 (2007) TV episode .... Casey Hughes - 集#1.13005 (2007) 电视节目 .... 凯西休斯
- Episode #1.13001 (2007) TV episode .... Casey Hughes - 集#1.13001 (2007) 电视节目 .... 凯西休斯
- Episode #1.12999 (2007) TV episode .... Casey Hughes - 集#1.12999 (2007) 电视节目 .... 凯西休斯
- Episode #1.12996 (2007) TV episode .... Casey Hughes - 集#1.12996 (2007) 电视节目 .... 凯西休斯
( 269 more ) ( 269以上 )
Tie a Yellow Ribbon (2007) .... 铁一黄丝带 (2007).... Teenage Joe十几岁的乔
"Guiding Light" .... “导光” .... Alex (1 episode, 2007)亚历克斯(1集,2007)
... ... aka "The Guiding Light" - USA (original title)又名“的指导之光” -美国(原名称)
- Episode #1.15105 (2007) TV episode .... - 集#1.15105 (2007) 电视短片 .... Alex亚历
Split Decision (2006) (TV) .... 斯普利特的决定 (2006)(电视).... Grady Love格雷迪爱
"Reba" .... “热巴” .... Man at wedding (1 episode, 2006)男子在婚礼(1集,2006)
- Two Weddings and a Funeral (2006) TV episode .... - 两个婚礼和一个葬礼 (2006) 电视短片 .... Man at wedding男子在婚礼
The Prince (2006) (TV) .... 王子 (2006)(电视).... Taft塔夫脱
Flutter Kick (2005) (as Zachary Roerig) .... 颤振踢 (2005)(如451罗里格公司).... Jason Matthews贾森马修斯
"Law Order" .... “法律与秩序” .... Rollerblade Messenger (1 episode, 2004)滑旱冰的使者(1集,2004)
... ... aka "Law Order Prime" - USA (informal title)又名“法律与秩序的主要” -美国(非正式名称)
- All in the Family (2004) TV episode .... - 所有的家庭 (2004) 电视短片 .... Rollerblade Messenger轮滑使者
Producer: 制片人:
Strawberry Wine (2009) ( post-production ) (producer) 草莓酒 (2009)( 后期制作 )(监制)
Self: 自:
"Martha" .... “玛莎” .... Himself (1 episode, 2005)本人(1集,2005年)
- Episode dated 18 October 2005 (2005) TV episode .... - 集月2005年10月18日 (2005年) 电视插曲 .... Himself他自己
"Party Planner with David Tutera" .... “党的策划师大卫Tutera” .... Himself (1 episode, 2005)本人(1集,2005年)
- Meet the Soap Stars (2005) TV episode .... - 迎接香皂星 (2005) 电视短片 .... Himself他自己
Taylor swift的never grow up的歌词及翻译。谢谢
Never Grow Up
翻译: SelCampbell (转载请加上这个,谢谢你~)
Your little hand's wrapped around my finger 你的小手握着我的手指
And it's so quiet in the world tonight今晚,这个世界好安静
Your little eyelids flutter cause you're dreaming 你的眼皮因为你正做的梦微微的颤动着
So I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light 我帮你盖上被子,打开了你最喜爱的小夜灯
To you everything's funny, you got nothing to regret 对你而言,这一切是多么的有趣,没有事情让你感到遗憾
I'd give all I have, honey 亲爱的,我给了你一切我所拥有的
If you could stay like that 希望你能一直保持这样
Oh darling, don't you ever grow up 亲爱的, 你可以就这样不要长大吗
Don't you ever grow up, just stay this little就这样不要长大,就一直这样小小的
Oh darling, don't you ever grow up亲爱的, 你可以就这样不要长大吗
Don't you ever grow up, it could stay this simple就这样不要长大,世界就会这样一直简简单单的
I won't let nobody hurt you, won't let no one break your heart 我不会让任何人伤害你,我不会让任何人打碎你的心
And no one will desert you 没有人会抛弃你
Just try to never grow up, never grow up 试着的不要长大,不要长大
You're in the car on the way to the movies 你坐在车里,在去看电影的路上
And you're mortified your mom's dropping you off 因为妈妈送你,而让你感到羞愧
At 14 there's just so much you can't do 当你14岁的时候,有许许多多的事情你没有办法做
And you can't wait to move out someday and call your own shots你等不及有一天,你会搬出去,拥有自己的房子,掌握着自己的一切
But don't make her drop you off around the block 但是别让她送你到离目的地一个街区远的地方(怕被别人看见)
Remember that she's getting older too 记得,她也在慢慢的变老
And don't lose the way that you dance around in your pj's getting ready for school
Oh darling, don't you ever grow up亲爱的, 你可以就这样不要长大吗
Don't you ever grow up, just stay this little就这样不要长大,就这样一直小小的
Oh darling, don't you ever grow up亲爱的, 你可以就这样不要长大吗
Don't you ever grow up, it could stay this simple就这样不要长大,世界就会这样一直简简单单的
No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred 没有人伤害你,永远不会有人让你一个人害怕
And even though you want to, just try to never grow up即使你盼望着,也请试着不要长大吧
Take pictures in your mind of your childhood room 把你童年房间的样子印在记忆里
Memorize what it sounded like when your dad gets home 记忆听上去好像爸爸到家时的脚步声一般温馨
Remember the footsteps, remember the words said 记得那个脚步声,记得那些话语
And all your little brother's favorite songs 还有所有你弟弟最爱的歌
I just realized everything I have is someday gonna be gone 我才意识到,我现在拥有的一切都会在未来的某一天消失
So here I am in my new apartment现在, 我站在我的新的公寓里
In a big city, they just dropped me off 在一个大城市, 他们开车送我到这里
It's so much colder that I thought it would be 比我想象的要寒冷的许多
So I tuck myself in and turn my night light on 我盖上了自己的被子,打开了自己的小夜灯
Wish I'd never grown up 真希望我没有长大
I wish I'd never grown up 我祈祷着,我还没有长大
Oh I don't wanna grow up, wish I'd never grown up 我不想长大,真希望我没有长大
I could still be little 我依旧是那样小小的
Oh I don't wanna grow up, wish I'd never grown up我不想长大,真希望我没有长大
It could still be simple 世界依旧是那样的简单
Oh darling, don't you ever grow up 亲爱的, 你可以就这样不要长大吗
Don't you ever grow up, just stay this little就这样不要长大,就一直这样小小的
Oh darling, don't you ever grow up亲爱的, 你可以就这样不要长大吗
Don't you ever grow up, it could stay this simple就这样不要长大,世界就会这样一直简简单单的
Won't let nobody hurt you 我不会让任何人伤害你
Won't let no one break your heart不会让任何人打碎你的心
And even though you want to, please try to never grow up 即使你盼望着,也请你试着不要长大
Oh, don't you ever grow up 不要长大
Oh, never grow up, just never grow up
标题名称:flutter短片,Flutter Demo