C/C++中能不能为int、long、long long等类型分配存储空间?
long long:没有这个吧?有的是long int .也是连续分配内存空间的.这样才能保证它的数值是确定的,因为每个内存数要给一个固定的地址.如果你有一些汇编基础的话对存储就比较了解了.
要是的话那可不可以让编译器为这些类型分配更多的空间以表示更大的值?比如让long long为128bit:不可以.因为对于一个操作系统来说,读取的位长是有限制的.不能说我一次读几十位然后当成一个大数.在汇编里,这就像寄存器有八位如AH的,十六位的如AX=AH:AL,三十二位的EAX=DX:AX,而六十四位的就要两个三十二的合在一起如:EDX:EAX.不能再大了.
e dubble 《be a king》谁有歌词!这歌太带感了但是没有歌词啊,腾讯视频那个歌词版的简直要死,急!!
my momma told me-
one day I'ma grow up big and I'ma be a king
and my poppa told me-
it's ok to sing when shit hurts
don't forget your dreams
cuz' they'll get you through this
So called life, they call living but I call it strange
and I bet I'll do it
cuz' I'm on my way and strong enough that I can shake the pain
verse 1:
mr. sunshine, mr. rainstorm,
meet me in the conference room we need to brainstorm
need some middle ground, need an even keel
but you're at war picking sides give me fever chills
I'll take em' both like my flu shot broke
I need the give and take to keep me out of that moat
my head above water thoughts to those lost this week
all these tragedies stay on repeat
like we can't shake shit, I can't speak on it
fist to the sky but I can't beat on it
drink in my cup so I'm gon' sip on it
cam newton's prolly pissed, he can't stiff arm em'
all these levels of these relative problems
and benevolence is elegance for those who can solve them
i'm feeling pretty low like I"m stuck at the bottom
but I know I'll rebound like the bulls with Rodman
I am, just exactly what I will be
just a guy who can rhyme n' chop ill beats
one day I'll recover from what ails me
till then I'm on that fuck-- what the sales be
verse 2:
they talk about death, we're tryna live life
while they're signal says left but they really going right
but who cares they got nothing to improve upon
meanwhile we past them, fast lane, rubicon
so let the shitstorm rang in
they try to dap us up, but we just leave em' hanging
yeah- so let em' catch up with the language
they can talk shit but you know that we can manage
-- they say they tired of the metaphors
they are only pissed that they never really ready for em'
--- so go ahead and get ready for em'
pop another bottle cuz' you gonna' need a steady arm
- it's like we're living in the Tron Game
lines are all blurred cuz' we're sippin on the bombay
- john stock verse lebron james
no competition when you factor in the time change
Babe Ruth sucks--- fuck what the books say
I could strike him out with 3 pitches in an arm sling
yeah- and we can do anything
momma said it's true and I put that on everything
verse 3:
we don't ask for the doors to close in this life
so we hoping... they keep em' open
and if they shut those doors we'll smash the skylight
till it's broken... and smell the roses
need to take that time to find our own road
so we focused... on what's golden
and our gold don't shine it's not from no mine
so we're not just living for a token