请问怎么在SAP里面发布系统系统消息,只要用户一动就自动跳出来. 在SAP中有一个消息发布的功能,在 工具--》系统管理--》管理结构--》系统消息。TCODE: SM02.在这里,你可定义消息的发布时间有多长、。
一、配置SMTP节点: 运行事务代码SCOT进行配置:修改SMTP的参数 二、填写SAP用户的电子邮件 三、运行事务代码SM36安排后台作业,按一定周期(每分钟)将发件箱里的邮件发送出去。或用 事务代码SCOT和SMICM来安排后台自动发邮件,这样做是方便其他人发邮件时,不用手动配置,只 要创建新邮件后按发送就可以了。后台作业自动按周期发送出去的,也可以将邮件发送到OA系 统。 四、还可以将outlook 或foxmail 的邮件转发到SAP的个人工作台(SBWP)。
7、双击SMTP,填入smtp发送服务器地址: 点击Internet后的设置按钮,在地址区内输入* 8、确定完毕 9、利用SAP发邮件,需要登陆到sap小机,然后telnet 25 ,查看是否可以连接成功。scot 10.SCOT ,点击作业按钮
如何删除SAP 系统日志
干了坏事要消除罪证?你要把audit log 和 system log 都删掉才行
audit log 删除
1. To access the Security Audit Log reorganization tool from the SAP standard menu,
choose Tools à Administration à Monitor à Security Audit Log à Reorganization.
The Security Audit: Delete Old Audit Logs screen appears.
2. Enter the Minimum age of files to delete (default = 30 days).
This value must be 3.
3. Activate the To all active instances indicator to delete the audit files from all application
servers. Leave the indicator blank if you only want to delete the files from the local
application server.
4. Activate the Simulation only indicator if you do not actually want to delete the files. In this
case, the action is only simulated.
5. Choose Audit Log à Continue.
但这个只能删3天前的,如果你一定要删现在的需要操作系统的权限 (操作系统下做动作的话,操作系统也会有日志的,各系统设置不同,请自行脑补)
audit log 在参数 rsau/local/file 里决定路径和文件名。
system log
system log 分本地log 和全局log 都要删
If the syslog really should be deleted, you should first consider, that for 'n' application servers, there are 'n' syslogs, plus 1 central syslog. (The central syslog only exists if at least one machine is running UNIX.)
You need the filenames. These can be determined, for example, with the report RSPFPAR or the command 'sapparar'. The following table shows the profile variables and typical values:
rslg/central/file /usr/sap/C11/SYS/global/SLOGJ
rslg/central/old_file /usr/sap/C11/SYS/global/SLOGJO
rslg/local/file /usr/sap/C11/D01/log/SLOG01
rslg/send_daemon/status_file /usr/sap/C11/D01/data/rslgssta
R/3 must be stopped. If the operating system was not also restarted, the shared memory segment 'SCSA' may still exist. This must also be removed. Possible ways to do this are listed in note number 12715.
To delete the central syslog, both syslog files must be deleted. They are recreated automatically when the system is restarted.
To delete one of the local syslog, stop the corresponding application server and delete its SCSA. The syslog file and the small management file are then deleted. They are recreated automatically when the system is restarted.
If the locale syslog file is mistakenly deleted without the described preparation, it is recreated incorrectly. However, it can be repaired after this with the report 'RSLG0020' (note 21153).