



/// Credit Mrs. YakaYocha 
/// Sourced from - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHp8LZ_0-iCvl-5pjHATsgw
/// Please donate: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=RJ8D9FRFQF9VS
using UnityEngine.Events;
namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
 [AddComponentMenu("Layout/Extensions/Vertical Scroller")]
 public class UIVerticalScroller : MonoBehaviour
  [Tooltip("Scrollable area (content of desired ScrollRect)")]
  public RectTransform _scrollingPanel;
  [Tooltip("Elements to populate inside the scroller")]
  public GameObject[] _arrayOfElements;
  [Tooltip("Center display area (position of zoomed content)")]
  public RectTransform _center;
  [Tooltip("Select the item to be in center on start. (optional)")]
  public int StartingIndex = -1;
  [Tooltip("Button to go to the next page. (optional)")]
  public GameObject ScrollUpButton;
  [Tooltip("Button to go to the previous page. (optional)")]
  public GameObject ScrollDownButton;
  [Tooltip("Event fired when a specific item is clicked, exposes index number of item. (optional)")]
  public UnityEvent ButtonClicked;
  private float[] distReposition;
  private float[] distance;
  //private int elementsDistance;
  private int minElementsNum;
  private int elementLength;
  //private int elementHalfLength;
  private float deltaY;
  private string result;
  public UIVerticalScroller() { }
  public UIVerticalScroller(RectTransform scrollingPanel, GameObject[] arrayOfElements, RectTransform center)
   _scrollingPanel = scrollingPanel;
   _arrayOfElements = arrayOfElements;
   _center = center;
  public void Awake()
   var scrollRect = GetComponent();
   if (!_scrollingPanel)
    _scrollingPanel = scrollRect.content;
   if (!_center)
    Debug.LogError("Please define the RectTransform for the Center viewport of the scrollable area");
   if (_arrayOfElements == null || _arrayOfElements.Length == 0)
    var childCount = scrollRect.content.childCount;
    if (childCount > 0)
     _arrayOfElements = new GameObject[childCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
      _arrayOfElements[i] = scrollRect.content.GetChild(i).gameObject;
  public void Start()
   if (_arrayOfElements.Length < 1)
    Debug.Log("No child content found, exiting..");
   elementLength = _arrayOfElements.Length;
   distance = new float[elementLength];
   distReposition = new float[elementLength];
   //get distance between buttons
   //elementsDistance = (int)Mathf.Abs(_arrayOfElements[1].GetComponent().anchoredPosition.y - _arrayOfElements[0].GetComponent().anchoredPosition.y);
   deltaY = _arrayOfElements[0].GetComponent().rect.height * elementLength / 3 * 2;
   Vector2 startPosition = new Vector2(_scrollingPanel.anchoredPosition.x, -deltaY);
   _scrollingPanel.anchoredPosition = startPosition;
   for (var i = 0; i < _arrayOfElements.Length; i++)
    AddListener(_arrayOfElements[i], i);
   if (ScrollUpButton)

