c语言加入背景音乐的函数 c语言加入背景音乐的函数叫什么
用PlaySound 函数可以播放 .wav 格式音乐。\x0d\x0a例如 下面 播放 紫竹调.wav 格式音乐,它存放在 D:\\zzz\\zzd.wav \x0d\x0a其它音乐格式能不能播放,要试验一下才知道,也许不行,也许可以。\x0d\x0a#include \x0d\x0a#include \x0d\x0a#include \x0d\x0a#pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib")\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0avoid main(){\x0d\x0aPlaySound (TEXT("D:\\zzz\\zzd.wav"), NULL, SND_ASYNC | SND_NODEFAULT);\x0d\x0a \x0d\x0awhile (1) \x0d\x0a{\x0d\x0a printf("program is running... here\n"); //这里跑你的程序,按 Ctrl-C 组合键,结束程序。\x0d\x0a Sleep(1000); //休息1秒\x0d\x0a}\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aexit(0);\x0d\x0a}
如果放在和你exe文件相同文件夹,那么playsound的时候 只需要传入文件名就可以
比如 "D:\\my.wav"
windows下面可以使用API函数 BOOL PlaySound(
LPCSTR pszSound,
DWORD fdwSound
A string that specifies the sound to play. If this parameter is NULL, any
currently playing waveform sound is stopped. To stop a non-waveform sound,
specify SND_PURGE in the fdwSound parameter.
Three flags in fdwSound (SND_ALIAS, SND_FILENAME, and SND_RESOURCE)
determine whether the name is interpreted as an alias for a system event, a
filename, or a resource identifier. If none of these flags are specified,
PlaySound searches the registry or the WIN.INI file for an association
with the specified sound name. If an association is found, the sound event is
played. If no association is found in the registry, the name is interpreted as a
Handle of the executable file that contains the resource to be loaded. This
parameter must be NULL unless SND_RESOURCE is specified in fdwSound.
Flags for playing the sound. The following values are defined:
The sound is played using an application-specific association.
The pszSound parameter is a system-event alias in the registry or the
WIN.INI file. Do not use with either SND_FILENAME or SND_RESOURCE.
The pszSound parameter is a predefined sound identifier.
The sound is played asynchronously and PlaySound returns immediately
after beginning the sound. To terminate an asynchronously played waveform sound,
call PlaySound with pszSound set to NULL.
The pszSound parameter is a filename.
The sound plays repeatedly until PlaySound is called again with the
pszSound parameter set to NULL. You must also specify the SND_ASYNC flag
to indicate an asynchronous sound event.
A sound event's file is loaded in RAM. The parameter specified by
pszSound must point to an image of a sound in memory.
No default sound event is used. If the sound cannot be found,
PlaySound returns silently without playing the default sound.
The specified sound event will yield to another sound event that is already
playing. If a sound cannot be played because the resource needed to generate
that sound is busy playing another sound, the function immediately returns FALSE
without playing the requested sound.
If this flag is not specified, PlaySound attempts to stop the
currently playing sound so that the device can be used to play the new sound.
If the driver is busy, return immediately without playing the sound.
Sounds are to be stopped for the calling task. If pszSound is not
NULL, all instances of the specified sound are stopped. If pszSound is
NULL, all sounds that are playing on behalf of the calling task are stopped.
You must also specify the instance handle to stop SND_RESOURCE events.
The pszSound parameter is a resource identifier; hmod must
identify the instance that contains the resource.
Synchronous playback of a sound event. PlaySound returns after the
sound event completes.
Return Values
Returns TRUE if successful or FALSE otherwise.
The sound specified by pszSound must fit into available physical
memory and be playable by an installed waveform-audio device driver.
PlaySound searches the following directories for sound files: the current
directory; the Windows directory; the Windows system directory; directories
listed in the PATH environment variable; and the list of directories mapped in a
network. For more information about the directory search order, see the
documentation for the OpenFile function.
If it cannot find the specified sound, PlaySound uses the default
system event sound entry instead. If the function can find neither the system
default entry nor the default sound, it makes no sound and returns FALSE.
Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
Requires Windows 95 or later.
Windows CE:
Header: Declared in mmsystem.h.
Library: Use winmm.lib.
Unicode: Implemented as Unicode and ANSI
versions on Windows NT.
See Also
Waveform Audio Overview, Waveform Functions
c语言play sound同时播放背景音乐和音乐特效要代码
需要包含的头文件#include windows.h#include mmsystem.h//需要包含的库文件#pragma comment(lib,"winmm.lib") int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ //调用PlaySound函数 //该函数只支持.wav格式的声音文件,其中: //acquired-chs.wav是WIN7系统自带的,位于C:\Windows\System32下面 //SND_FILENAME 表示从文件读取资源 //SND_SYNC表示同步播放,即播放完成后,再做后面的操作 //如果想播放的时候,做其它操作,可将SND_SYNC改成SND_ASYNC表示异步播放 PlaySound("acquired-chs.wav", NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_SYNC); return 0;}
网站标题:c语言加入背景音乐的函数 c语言加入背景音乐的函数叫什么