成都创新互联公司主营麒麟网站建设的网络公司,主营网站建设方案,重庆App定制开发,麒麟h5小程序制作搭建,麒麟网站营销推广欢迎麒麟等地区企业咨询Interpolation is a term used to describe the process of finding values that lie between a set of known points(插值的意思是从一群已知的点的集合中找出某一个值的过程). Consider the equation of the line passing through points A and B(想象一下一个连接A点到B点的直线):
where P is any point on the line and is the vector from A to B(这里P表示的时候AB之间任意一点):
We can therefore write this equation as(因此我们可以把这个等式写成:)
It is easy to see that when t is 0, P is equal to A; and when t is 1, P is equal to A + B − A, which is simply B. Such a line is shown in Figure 4.13(当t是0的时候,p就相当于A点,当t的值是1的时候,p就相当于B点,如图4.13所示)
If t lies between 0.0 and 1.0, then P will end up somewhere between A and B(如果t的值在0到1之间,那么p就落在A与B之间的某处). Values of t outside this range will push P off the ends of the line. You should be able to see that by smoothly varying t, we can move point P from A to B and back. This is known as linear interpolation(如果t的值超出了这个范围,那么p则也会超出AB的范围。可以看到,当让t从0到1慢慢变化时,p会从A移动到B,这叫线性插值). The values of A and B (and therefore P) can have any number of dimensions(A和B的值可以有任意多个维度). For example, they could be scalar values; two-dimensional values such as points on a graph; three-dimensional values such as coordinates in 3D space, colors, and so on(比如这里A和B的值可以是一个标量,可以是二维的点,可以是三位的点、颜色等等); or even higher-dimension quantities such as matrices, arrays, or even whole images(甚至是更高维度的的矩阵、数组亦或是整个图像). In many cases, linear interpolation doesn’t make much sense (for example, linearly interpolating between two matrices generally doesn’t produce a meaningful result), but angles, positions, and other coordinates can normally be interpolated safely(在很多情况下,线性插值不怎么好使,但是在角度、位置以及其他坐标方面,一般来说这就够了). Linear interpolation is such a common operation in graphics that GLSL includes a builtin function specifically for this purpose, mix:(在GLSL里,能用来进行线性插值的内置函数是mix)
vec4 mix(vec4 A, vec4 B, float t);
The mix function comes in several versions taking different dimensionalities of vectors or scalars as the A and B inputs and taking scalars or matching vectors for t(该函数接收A、B两个数据,然后变量t,来对数据进行线性插值).