这篇文章将为大家详细讲解有关go中anonymous function怎么用,小编觉得挺实用的,因此分享给大家做个参考,希望大家阅读完这篇文章后可以有所收获。
成都创新互联是一家专业提供郧西企业网站建设,专注与网站设计制作、成都网站建设、H5场景定制、小程序制作等业务。10年已为郧西众多企业、政府机构等服务。创新互联专业网络公司优惠进行中。package main
import "fmt"
// function add
func add(a, b int) int {
return a + b
// 1
func testFunc1() {
// function "add" to var "f1" // then "f1" is a function f1 := add // type of f1 = func(int int) int fmt.Printf("type of f1 = %T\n", f1) // call function "f1" // params are 2 and 5 sum := f1(2, 5) // sum = 7 fmt.Printf("sum = %d\n", sum)
// 2
func testFunc2() {
// anonymous function to var "f1", then "f1" is a function f1 := func(a, b int) int { return a + b } // type of f1 = function(int, int) int fmt.Printf("type of f1 = %T\n", f1) // call function f1, params are 2 and 5 sum := f1(2, 5) // sum = 7 fmt.Printf("sum = %d\n", sum)
// 3
func testFunc3() {
var i = 0
// the statement after "defer" will be pushed into stack first // so the value of var "i" will be "0" // defer i = 0 defer fmt.Printf("defer i = %d\n", i) i = 100 // i = 100 fmt.Printf("i = %d\n", i) return
// 4
func testFunc4() {
var i = 0
// the anonymous function after "defer" will be pushed into stack first // but at this time, the statement in function will not be pushed into stack // so at this time the value of var "i" is not specific // the value of var // at the end the value of var "i" is 100 defer func() { fmt.Printf("defer i = %d\n", i) }() i = 100 // i = 100 fmt.Printf("i = %d\n", i) return
func main() {
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