这是oracle 官网介绍通过maven weblogic plug-in 来自动部署war 包 到weblogic 12c/11R
这是官方详细介绍如何使用maven 部署到weblogic12c http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E24329_01/web.1211/e24368/maven.htm#WLPRG585
本人结合实际操作来说明如何通过m2eclipse(maven)+ eclipse自动部署到weblogic 服务器
第一部分: 设置eclipse
1 确保eclipse 已经安装了m2eclipse
通过点击file-new -maven project
如果成功显示并能创建项目,则表示maven eclipse 插件已经安装了
2 创建一个maven web app project
3 创建成功后的maven 项目结构
4 右键点击pom.xml 文件 - run as maven- install
第二部分: 配置maven weblogic plugin (weblogic 插件)(难点)
weblogic 可以被maven自动部署的前提是在weblogic 下已经有这两个文件
下面展示如何配置从而是weblogic 下包含这两个文件
1 定位到C:/wls12120/wlserver/server/lib
2 在C:/wls12120/wlserver/server/lib目录下运行
mvn install mvn install -Dfile=wls-maven-plugin.jar -DpomFile=pom.xml /*复制pom.xml 和wls-maven-plugin.jar 到以下//depo/.m2/repository/com/oracle/weblogic/wls-maven-plugin 目录 */ //执行 mvn install:install-file -Dfile=wls-maven-plugin.jar -DpomFile=pom.xml
如果成功执行会显示build success 并且此时lib 目录下面多了wls-maven-plugin.jar 和pom.xml
C:\wls12120\wlserver\server\lib>mvn wls:help [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] [INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Building WebLogic Server Maven Plugin [INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- wls-maven-plugin: (default-cli) @ wls-maven-plugin --- [INFO] WebLogic Server Maven Plugin The following goals are supported by wls-maven-plugin: appc: Generates and compiles the classes needed to deploy EJBs and JSPs to WebLogic Server. Also validates the deployment descriptors for compliance with the current specifications at both the individual module level and the application level. deploy: Deploys WebLogic Server applications and modules. Supports all deployment formats, such as WAR, JAR, etc. create-domain: Create a domain for WebLogic Server using the default domain template. For more complex domain creation use the WLST goal.
第三部分: 整合eclipse 和 自动部署
上述两部分完成后, 可以开始整合eclipse
1 配置eclipse 项目下的porm.xml
修改eclipse 项目下空白的porm.xml,添加
MavenWebStruts maven-plugin-plugin 2.3 wls org.apache.maven.plugins maven-compiler-plugin 1.7.0_13 false UTF-8 org.apache.maven.plugins maven-war-plugin 2.1.1 false org.apache.maven.plugins maven-surefire-plugin 2.11 true com.oracle.weblogic wls-maven-plugin ${project.build.finalName} C:\wls12120 账户 t3://localhost:7001 密码
2 通过eclipse 部署项目
为了测试是否能成功部署先测试wls 插件是否生效
右键点击porm.xml 运行
[INFO] Building MavenWebStruts Maven Webapp 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] --- wls-maven-plugin: (default-cli) @ MavenWebStruts --- [INFO] WebLogic Server Maven Plugin The following goals are supported by wls-maven-plugin: appc: Generates and compiles the classes needed to deploy EJBs and JSPs to WebLogic Server. Also validates the deployment descriptors for compliance with the current specifications at both the individual module level and the application level. deploy: Deploys WebLogic Server applications and modules. Supports all deployment formats, such as WAR, JAR, etc. create-domain: Create a domain for WebLogic Server using the default domain template. For more complex domain creation use the WLST goal. help: Lists all the goals supported by thewls-maven-plugin
. install: Installs WebLogic Server. list-apps: Lists the deployment names for applications and standalone modules deployed, distributed, or installed in the domain. redeploy: Redeploys a running application or part of a running application. start-app: Starts an application deployed on WebLogic Server. start-server: Starts WebLogic Server. stop-app: Stops an application. stop-server: Stops WebLogic Server. undeploy: Undeploys the application from WebLogic Server. Stops the deployment unit and removes staged files from target servers. update-app: Updates an application's deployment plan by redistributing the plan files and reconfiguring the application based on the new plan contents. wlst: WLST wrapper for Maven. ws-clientgen: A Maven goal to generate client web service artifacts from a WSDL ws-wsdlc: A Maven goal to generate a set of artifacts and a partial Java implementation of the Web service from a WSDL. ws-jwsc: A Maven goal to build a JAX-WS web service For detailed help on a goal, use -Dgoal=-Ddetail=true options. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 0.796 s [INFO] Finished at: 2015-08-27T15:50:03-05:00 [INFO] Final Memory: 6M/112M [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------