
BDC in batch: How do you determine the number of

Simply put, you don't.Either design your BDC using the standard screen size (which can vary), or use the navigation features in the transaction to get the line you need to enter to the top of the table control.Some examples are for example, POPO in Purchase orders, SORT in CO02 (or is it C011...) and so forth.Here's an example. The code removes unwanted line items from an order:Code: Select all** Now loop round the P/O and delete all of those that we don't want* Loop at t_ekpo.** Keep this P/O Line item ?* MOVE SY-TABIX TO W_POPO. PERFORM ZBDC_SCREEN USING 'SAPMV50A' '0270'. PERFORM ZBDC_FIELD USING 'BDC_OKCODE' '=POPO'. PERFORM ZBDC_SCREEN USING 'SAPMV50A' '0111'. PERFORM ZBDC_FIELD USING 'RV50A-POSNR' W_POPO. PERFORM ZBDC_FIELD USING 'BDC_OKCODE' '/00'. Read Table t_vl31_asn with key ebeln = t_ekpo-ebeln ebelp = t_ekpo-ebelp. If sy-subrc 0.** Not found - discard this one.* PERFORM ZBDC_SCREEN USING 'SAPMV50A' '0270'. PERFORM ZBDC_FIELD USING 'RV50A-LIPS_SELKZ(01)' 'X'. ELSE.** Change the quantity....* WRITE T_VL31_ASN-MENGE TO W_MENGE UNIT T_VL31_ASN-LMEIN. CONDENSE W_MENGE NO-GAPS. PERFORM ZBDC_SCREEN USING 'SAPMV50A' '0270'. PERFORM ZBDC_FIELD USING 'LIPS-LFIMG(01)' W_MENGE. EndIf. EndLoop.Even though I may have hundreds of order items, I only need to concentrate on logical line one of the order as POPO brings the specified line to the top.Rich 查看原帖



SAP MR21修改价格界面中的新统计价格能不能修改,对系统核算有没有影响?


第一步: 用mb51先看这个物料都是产生了什么业务,然后把产生的业务全部冲销掉。

第一步: 如果261 发货太多可以使用ZBDC取消。

如果261 比较少或者其他移动类型建议使用MBST取消。


如果移动类型为601 为销售发货,需要取消VL09需要对应发货单。如果只有发货直接使 用VL09取消发货如果有销售发票需要取消销售发票。

第二步:使用MB1C (Z08)清空库存


第四步:使用MB1C(Z07) 还原库存

